Valid removals?

Hi guys!

I'm a long time user of CCleaner. Always been safe to use for me. However, I've been wondering for some time if these suggested removals are valid?

Please have a look bellow,

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
































































@=“C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Office.OneNote_17.6131.10051.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\images\OneNoteLogo_150x150.png”



@=“CisDebugInjector Class”





















The Microsoft.NET Framework v1.1.4322 invalid it finds is because of missing files I'd suspect, so being able to manually verify in that case is very easy by just browsing to the folder it lists to see if a file exists in that folder or not. When the file doesn't exist it will be deemed invalid. The only thing though, I think just about everytime .NET Framework has an update it adds those invalid file paths back into the registry and then CCleaner deems them invalid again because the files don't exist.
Allot of the file extension invalids you see is because you've opened a folder and Explorer has displayed a filetype that doesn't have any program registered to open it, but Explorer just adds that extension into the registry which will be deemed an invalid because nothing opens it, example:
As for stuff that's only registry based with no physical file on the hard disk to verify against it's a matter of do you trust the registry cleaning or not.
The best advice is if you don't know exactly what you're about to allow the registry cleaner (any registry cleaning software for that matter) to remove it's best to leave it alone. Mishaps with registry cleaning software can result into reinstalling software or having to reinstall/restore the Windows installation.