v5.61.7392 - Progress Bar Stucks always

A Visual Feedback Bug?

I always, since update, dont see any fluid progress bar in "easy clean"

it mostly happens when CC is clean Internet Explorer i NEVER use but there is stuff in it...anyways (i know about the system integration).

i always think that CC was freezed but isn´t. It jumps to the end.

Options i choose:

  • 35x secure erase
  • alternate data stream erase
  • cluster tips erase

Minor Suggestion:

  • i don´t like that " PC feels like new "...better ist "Progress finished", "cleaning finished", "Done" or similar simple


turn off multipass deletion, not only is 35 overkill but any number of passes above one secure has been proven to do nothing that makes the file more obscured.

This will also greatly speed up your clean (see I got to the point of your post eventually)

Thanks 4 reply, your are right....i will try less overwrite passes