v5.61.7392 is now kaput.

I have tried downloading and re-downloading and nothing changes.

It is now stopping for a full 30 seconds+ on IE Explorer and then skipping it and then taking another minute+ to finish. I wait for 3 minutes and then close it, because it is now futile to even try.

I use Win. 7pro on a Dell Precision m6800...

To confirm - where is it stopping for you? On download, installation or when running a scan?

When running a scan. At the very beginning when it is attempting to scan for IE cookies it basically stops there for at least a minute and ends up not scanning it at all.

As of now, it stops on that spot for a minimum of 5 minutes and I just turn it off...not waiting anymore, as it defeats any purpose.

The reason I have downloaded and re-downloaded is because I'm trying desperately to fix this situation--but it does nothing to help.

At first it seems to be working okay, until the 2nd scan--and then it gets worse exponentially.

Thank You for replying, Dave.

Are you using IE?

If not then simply use Custom Clean and untick all entries for IE so that CC won't try to scan for it.

I never use IE. Ever. I only use Firefox.

As above then, plus untick everything for Edge as well.

No use looking to clean things that you never use anyway.

Edit - you may want to leave the first one in IE ticked (Internet history); other things than IE sometimes put stuff there, Skype for instance among others.

It doesn't matter if people with CCleaner use IE or not. Their cookies always end up on our computers, and CCleaner knows this--which is why it is supposed to search for them and remove them.

I've been using it for years...would have un-ticked it long ago if what you said is true.

Nice guess.

No guess, experience.

When Windows 10 came out Edge was introduced and the way IE stored cookies and other temporary files changed, and is still changing monthly.

I also use Firefox almost exclusively. And from experience (not a guess - CCleaner used to take ages looking at IE for me as well) know that what I have said above works.

Of course if you are still using IE then you will see the delays if you want to clean it.

PS. Firefox 69 is now storing a lot of stuff cached to your drive in a 'new' location, things change.

One reason IE cleaning may not work is if there's any software installed and resident that utilizes it for cache, cookies, etc., then CCleaner won't be able to clean IE.

The IE lag or unresponsiveness to clean it I had thought they fixed, but maybe that just fixed it for Win10, I don't know exactly, but it did have that lag in multiple versions of Windows.

Back when it was taking too long for users that were reporting it including myself on my system I just unticked those items for IE that were taking too long. Then once per week on Friday I'd clean those unticked items with CCleaner - that way I wasn't always waiting on it to clean IE during my multiple daily cleans

I don't have any software installed being utilized for cache, cookies, etc.

I don't have Win10, but what you say sounds like what the problem could be...only updating for Win10, and not for all Win. I'm not the only person who uses Win7pro, so this must be a problem for many people. Most people don't complain (for many reasons).

I don't want those cookies from IE collecting info. for a week before I take the 5 min. to delete them...defeats the porpoise of having CCleaner, no?

Hopefully CCleaner will fix this.

Thank You for all your input, people! If you find out anything else, please let me know, because this is unlivable.

One thing to try, just in case IE has any possible corruption is to open IE and used the cleaning tools built into it to clean everything. Then restart the computer, and give CCleaner a try again and see if it's any faster. Might work, might not, but worth a try.