V5.02 does not install

Hi all, been using CCleaner for a long time. The latest build V5.02 seems to be rather problematic.

Windows versions: two machines. Win 7 Ultimate and Win 7 Home

Issue: after downloading build V5.02 from Piriform's website, I double click the install file, accept UAC prompt, go through the usual option selections, click Install, then 1) the install window disappears, 2) the taskbar icon disappears, 3) the computer does not register CCleaner as having been installed, 4) I can click on the instllation file again to repeat the whole process with the same result.

I have tried:

1) turning off realtime protection from microsoft security essential and AVG;

2) ran the CCleaner installation file as Admin

Neither to no avail. Wondering if this is a CCleaner issue or if Windows 7 update did something funny.

Thanks for your time and help!

Try some of these steps (using the official install problems link in that topic first):


Wow this is weird; I've always saved it as CCleaner.exe and never had any problems. Just renamed the installation file to "CCleanerSetup.exe" and installed without problem. Thanks so much, problem solved!

Glad you got it working mech, and welcome to the Piriform forums! :)

1) turning off realtime protection from microsoft security essential and AVG;

any reason you have 2 AV's (obviously wasn't a factor in installing CC), just curious.

Wow this is weird; I've always saved it as CCleaner.exe and never had any problems. Just renamed the installation file to "CCleanerSetup.exe" and installed without problem. Thanks so much, problem solved!

When you rename it ccleaner.exe it attempts to close itself. One of the steps in installation is close all tasks named ccleaner.exe