For some reason as yet unknown, CCleaner decided to uninstall Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3, excellent job apart from it didnt delete the desktop shortcut. All this would have been fine apart from I DIDNT WANT IT UNINSTALLED. I wanted Camtasia Studio uninstalled. Guess which one still needs to be uninstalled?
As for a fix for your tech guys its simple enough.
Currently the add / remove list fills up one item at a time and picks the name from whichever slot got clicked on. As we know the programs are never installed in alphabetic order in the registry or indeed anywhere else on the drive. So heres my fix for you.
Put a non visible multi box or list box on the main form and a message in the visible form in box 0 PROGRAM LIST BEING PREPARED, PLEASE WAIT,
Leave the main box inactive.
Load each program into the invisible one and sort them in that one into alphabetical order. (This way you dont get to see the list being made and click on a box which gets its contents changed)
When the hidden list box has all the entries in and sorted into alphabetical order, then make the main box active and use a for next loop to copy each entry from the hidden list box to the main one that is visible obviously filling the listbox 0 box with box 0 from the hidden one.
Once the copy is completed, clear the hidden box list
Make the main box Active and rejoin the normal code.
Not exactly a monster update but it will save people uninstalling the wrong program in future. I think it will make a massive change to the program. either use the fix above or make the main list box inactive until it is completely filled.
Hope this helps