Please note that as mentioned in the announcement - once out of beta we will be creating a compact installer without the toolbar.
We're aware that people will use and not use certain features we add, so we aim to make as many features optional as possible, and if this requires multiple builds of the installer then so be it.
Although some people like toolbars and browser integration, there are the hardcore few who don't, and we're trying to do the difficult task of keeping those and everyone else happy.
We're striving to create product(s) that have the features people want, and we're aiming to do this through the help of this forum. So thanks to everyone here!
Thanks for the notice, MrG! And sorry for being somewhat of a downer about this whole toolbar thing; I do appreciate the fact that you are offering multiple versions, including stripped-down ones, for users like myself.
And a big huge enormous thank-you for releasing the full version this weekend! OMG!
The best thing to do would be to offer the main download without the toolbar, and the secondary as one with the optional toolbar if you must have it.
If you want browser integration, why not just make it so you can add a small button to IE instead of this bloated toolbar? Could even make a CCleaner *.xpi for Firefox and Mozilla browsers.
If you want browser integration, why not just make it so you can add a small button to IE instead of this bloated toolbar? Could even make a CCleaner *.xpi for Firefox and Mozilla browsers.
Oooo, good suggestions Tarun. I like the FF extension idea! Also, I liked the ideas others have offered about not integrating the bar into CC, but simply offering a link to it on CC's website. After all, the newest version of CC doesn't even have the full Yahoo! Toolbar in it anyway; just a part of it, which contacts Yahoo! for the rest of it.
So why even take the time to integrate a part of it? Seems like it would be easier and more convenient for those downloading to not integrate it at all and just use a link to the toolbar on the CC website; that way, multiple versions wouldn't even have to be made.
But once again, as MrG said, multiple versions are being released, so you don't have to get the one with the toolbar. So once again, thanks for all the hard work MrG, these are only some suggestions.