V 2.18 Cookies cleaning problem


I have just downloaded and run V 2.18. The cookies cleaning program seems to leave the same exact cookies to be cleaned after having run the analyze/clean cycle 3 times. XP sp2/IE 8

When I wrote this this morning, I had just 4 cookies it would not remove. Now, after surfing around and collecting more cookies, it has increased to 9 cookies. It removes other cookies, just not these 9. It took 2 passes of the clean button to remove the cookies I had amassed in my surfing. It noted them in the list to be removed but didn't do it on the first pass, but did remove all but the 9 on the second pass. The nine are composed of the original 4 plus the new 5. I am sure that there will be thousands it wont remove by the end of the year.

3/27/09 @ 9:38AM This problem is being discussed over at DSLReports in this thread http://www2.dslreports.com/forum/r22131176...Cleaner-v218878 . On their advice I have removed and re installed V 2.18. This got me down to 5 cookies again. The original 4 plus one more. It was suggested that I take a look at the properties of the cookies that would not disappear. When I open up the Temporary Internet Folder that contains the cookie files, something interesting/strange is detected. Those 5 cookies that wont disappear are not in the temp folder. The only cookies in the temp folder are the 33 cookies I have V 2.18 set to save on the right side of the screen. Is that a good clue?





I have just downloaded and run V 2.18. The cookies cleaning program seems to leave the same exact cookies to be cleaned after having run the analyze/clean cycle 3 times. XP sp2/IE 8

When I wrote this this morning, I had just 4 cookies it would not remove. Now, after surfing around and collecting more cookies, it has increased to 9 cookies. It removes other cookies, just not these 9. It took 2 passes of the clean button to remove the cookies I had amassed in my surfing. It noted them in the list to be removed but didn't do it on the first pass, but did remove all but the 9 on the second pass. The nine are composed of the original 4 plus the new 5. I am sure that there will be thousands it wont remove by the end of the year.

3/27/09 @ 9:38AM This problem is being discussed over at DSLReports in this thread http://www2.dslreports.com/forum/r22131176...Cleaner-v218878 . On their advice I have removed and re installed V 2.18. This got me down to 5 cookies again. The original 4 plus one more. It was suggested that I take a look at the properties of the cookies that would not disappear. When I open up the Temporary Internet Folder that contains the cookie files, something interesting/strange is detected. Those 5 cookies that wont disappear are not in the temp folder. The only cookies in the temp folder are the 33 cookies I have V 2.18 set to save on the right side of the screen. Is that a good clue?

3/28/09 @7:02PM....... After getting some insight from a member of DSLReports, I think I have solved my problem. Instead of trying to re type the post from that forum I will cut and past it here: I found the cookies. I don't know why the search engine could not find them on my PC, but "Karen's Cookie Viewer" showed me the location. I was expecting to find them in Documents/setting/owner/temp/temporary internet files, where the 33 saved CCleaner cookies are sitting. They were not. They were in C/windows/cookies. The 5 cookies plus 2 more. The 2 more were 2 cookies that I had on the CCleaner's saved list. The 31 other saved CCleaner cookies were not there. I used Karen's cleaner ( which has not been up dated since 2007- hence no IE 8 support and maybe no IE 7 support) to remove the 5 CC cookies and also the 2 CC saved cookies. I ran CCleaner and there were no cookies on the left side of the cleaner. Then I launched IE 8, and I guess because I deleted the live.com cookie ( as part of the 7 I just removed) it forced me to input my live login info. Now this is where it gets squirrelly. I ran CCleaner and there are the 5 cookies plus some others. I look over at C/Windows/Cookies and the Index DAT is still the only thing in the folder. I run CCleaner and this time it cleans all of the cookies.

I would like someone who understands this stuff to explain this to me. CCleaner seems to be innocent here. It cleans those cookies now, why not before? Is it because they were in the temp folder now, not the windows/ cookies folder? How did they get in the Windows folder before and why is the DAT the only thing in that folder? Is it normal to have your cookies saved in the temporary internet files?


Luck Has Nothing To Do With It!




I have the same problem with Cookies after upgrading to IE 8. My second PC still has IE 7 and it is fine.

I am learning that in IE 8, DOM (Document Object Model) Storage has replaced Cookies.


I don't fully understand what this means, but it would appear from your comments that Cookies in Ie 8 are not stored in the same place as they were in IE 7.

Perhaps, that is why "Cookies to keep" get removed after running Ccleaner. If they are in the temporary file, they will get wiped out during the cleaning.

I believe the problem will only get solved after Ccleaner is changed to support this new feature in IE 8. The latest update, v2.18.878, did not address the Cookies issue. :(

I have the same problem with Cookies after upgrading to IE 8. My second PC still has IE 7 and it is fine.

I am learning that in IE 8, DOM (Document Object Model) Storage has replaced Cookies.


I don't fully understand what this means, but it would appear from your comments that Cookies in IE 8 are not stored in the same place as they were in IE 7.

Perhaps, that is why "Cookies to keep" get removed after running CCleaner. If they are in the temporary file, they will get wiped out during the cleaning.

I believe the problem will only get solved after CCleaner is changed to support this new feature in IE 8. The latest update, v2.18.878, did not address the Cookies issue. :(

While I almost get/don't fully understand DOM Storage, it is obvious that IE 8 is different enough to require a redo of the code on how CCleaner handles cookies. I fixed my little problem with the delete button, but I don't know if it was the correct fix. It works for now. As for your having saved cookies wiped out during cleaning, I too have a similar problem. I inexplicably have to re input my log on information. The only cleaner I use is CCleaner and all my regular website info is saved on the right side of CCleaner. Still, I find myself having to re input log on info for the web sites I view irregularly. CCleaner is removing this info on a hit and miss basis.

I agree, that IE 8 is different enough to require a redo of the code on how Ccleaner handles cookies.

I did a test on my two PCs. One has IE 7 and the other IE 8.

On the PC with IE 7, the Cookies placed in the "Cookies to keep" box remained in the TIF folder after running Ccleaner. Those were the only items left.

On the PC with IE 8, the Cookies placed in the "Cookies to keep" box were wiped out after Ccleaner was run. The TIF folder was totally empty. Yet, the names of the cookies I set to keep were still showing in Ccleaner, on the right side, in the "Cookies to keep" box . definitely IE 8 has changed something on how or where cookies are stored and Ccleaner is yet to catch up.

I worked around this problem and downloaded Firefox/Mozilla as my back-up browser. I have parked the web sites where I want Cookies to remain on it. Works perfectly. Ccleaner leaves those Cookies in place on Firefox.

On the PC with IE 8, the Cookies placed in the "Cookies to keep" box were wiped out after Ccleaner was run. The TIF folder was totally empty. Yet, the names of the cookies I set to keep were still showing in Ccleaner, on the right side, in the "Cookies to keep" box . definitely IE 8 has changed something on how or where cookies are stored and Ccleaner is yet to catch up.

I'm with de same problem, some news to quit the problem ?