uxtheme woes

i just replaced the uxtheme.dll file with the new one that can support msstyle themes. however i am having trouble with it. the only problem that i see is that it does not skin the taskbar. does anyone know how to fix this?

Hmm, well this is what I did to get UXTheme.dll working perfectly (thanks ot CapMan):

"Download the UxTheme.dll from Lunarsoft:


Extract the uxtheme.dll file to your desktop.

Restart in Safe Mode,

Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache, rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.dll.bak,

Then copy the uxtheme.dll that is on your desktop and paste it into C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache.

Then Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32, rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.dll.bak,

Then paste the uxtheme.dll into C:\WINDOWS\system32.

Restart the computer."

there's a program called Replacer which saves me the trouble of doing that :P

edit:wow this is interesting. the problem was that there were 2 uxtheme files. one at C:\WINDOWS and one at C:\WINDOWS\system32. the problem was that the one at C:\WINDOWS shouldnt have been there. i just killed explorer, deleted it, and the taskbar was fixed. very interesting...

So my instructions helped a bit.....?

sort of but not really. it didnt let me delete uxtheme.dll and i already knew how to do that :P