$usnJrnl:$j, $MFT, pagefile and more

How do I best defrag such advanced things? I use Sysinternals for the hyberfile, pagefile and a lot of system32 files.

Then there is this command: Start -> Run -> type -> fsutil usn deletejournal /n c:

This deletes $usnJrnl:$j that is instantly recreated by Windows but without the fragments.

But what about $MFT? I need a trick for this one. Actually I would like to collect a complete list with solutions for all files, that needs special tools for defragmenting so please drop a post if you know about any. :P

PS: I am of cause a devoted Defraggler user.

If you want c:\$extend\$UsnJrnl:$J:$DATA completely gone you may want to look at the link below with instructions from Microsoft, they're at about the middle of the page and are listed under Method 2:


As for defragmenting those locked in-use files someone from Piriform will have to chime in on that.

No, I see no reason to do that. I just want it in one fragment. :)

As for defragmenting those locked in-use files someone from Piriform will have to chime in on that.

How often does Piriform's fine folks stop by the forums?

Please? B)

Hi ePost, you are nothing if not persistent, but always polite. :)

The Piriform folk, as opposed to us forum volunteer folk, do visit the forums on a very regular basis, and do take note of all the requests and suggestions, although they can't obviously reply to them all.

That fact is born out by the many improvements and features introduced into new versions of Piriform products, many based upon users suggestions.

That's about all I can tell you. Hope it helps.

Hope it helps.
Spoken like a true gentleman! But actually it didn't help - information-wise, that is. :D However, I do appreciate your kindness. Very much. Thanks for trying. It's the thought that counts. B)