Using programs during free space Wipe Data


I'm new in this foroum... so excuse me if I've posted in wrong place...

Last Night I Used 'free space wipe data' for my C drive (my windows drive)... during the process I opened my microsoft office products(microsoft word and excel) which were installed in the drive..

and after opening the programs I faced with this Error: the program has stopped working...

I search about it and realized that I shouldn't use my pc during the progress...

so I have a question...

does it can hurt my C drive files or my microsoft office program or my hard drive?

please help me about this topic....

Wouldn't know if it can "hurt" your C drive, however I absolutely would not be using the computer while a Wipe Free Space is taking place, but then again stuff like antivirus will update in the background, etc.

Probably best to start the Wipe Free Space just before you go to bed, when you wake up it should be finished (depending upon the size of your hard disk).