Hello, I'm a newbie!
I want to use defraggler with a SAT-Receiver including a 500 GByte HDD. This HDD is formated as VFAT. Via USB I connect my Windows7-Notebook with the SAT-Receiver to copy recorded TVMovie-files from the receiver to the notebook HDD; later transforming to a DVD.
In the past I used the internal Windows defrag routine, but it needs more than 30 hours for defrag the Sat-Receiver HDD.
Using defraggler for the notebook HHD shows, that this program ist much faster, so I want using it also with the SAT HDD. But killing some recorded files gives a lot of trouble with my wife.
To avoid this, please answer me, can I use defrragler with VFAT formatted HDD
weide_de (from Germany)