User ID's lost after CCleaner run on personal computer

In various applications that I run, I elect to save my User ID to save having to input it on my personal computer each time. Unfortunately, after I run CCleaner, I have to input my User ID in various applications that I open. Is there a box that I can un-check when running CCleaner to eliminate losing those ID's ?? Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

If you are using Health Check then it will always log you out of them by clearing their cookies.

You need to use Custom Clean instead of Health Check and tell it not to clear any cookies, or set 'Cookies to Keep' for the particular site(s) that you want to stay logged into.

See here for more details:

Thanks for your response -- your direction gave me exactly what I needed.

Hope you have a GREAT day and many more !!!!

Phil Besselievre

Just to note if anyone else is having this problem that it may not be CCleaner.

There is a known bug in Windows 10 2004 that can log some users out of apps and websites, even Microsofts own apps like Mail, Calendar, and One Drive.

Microsoft are investigating but there is no fix for it yet.

Thanks go to Hazelnut for bring this to attention.