Used Space goes up?

Hey all. The 1st time I ran defraggler it done wonders and recently I gave it a shot again and it went from like 80 billion bytes or whatever to like 89 billion, so the used space is going up? I thought its job was to give the computer more space... its not just this laptop, its happened on one of my other laptops and on my friends laptop, I don't know if this is a problem with the program or my computer but can you help me out here?

It's a common problem with Vista / Windows 7 machines, to recover lost space just clear your system restore points.

Richard S.

It's a common problem with Vista / Windows 7 machines, to recover lost space just clear your system restore points.Richard S.

What? I want to get rid of space by using this program, cos that's what it says it will do. Can you explain in more detail please?

By the way my friends laptop is windows XP yet his used space goes up after a defrag aswell. Please help.

Defraggler doesn't give you more space it just defragments your files (makes your files into one contiguous piece instead of parts of one file being scattered around multiple locations). Are you using the computer while you defrag?

What? I want to get rid of space by using this program, cos that's what it says it will do. Can you explain in more detail please?

There was an explanation on this forum about Vista / Windows 7 but I'm having no luck finding it, however the following forum link should suffice.

Richard S.

When performing a full defrag with Defraggler or Win Disk Defragmenter you lose some space because Windows increases the shadow storage.

In a recent test (17 Apr 11 post 5) of Win Disk Defragmenter, Windows added 2 GB shadow storage during a defrag.

You can mitigate this by doing instead a file defrag. 168tw1v.jpg Takes only seconds.

Also, reclaim lost free space by having CCleaner remove some restore points.


Same thing happened to me.

Started defragging when I had around 90 gigs of freespace and halfway through I had about 67. Really not so good.

Clearing my system restore brought some of it back, but I've used defraggler in the past and it's never devoured my freespace. Usually it gives me more.

Something about the latest update perhaps :unsure:

No nothing new here, Not sure a me too post is needed when the previous post shows why it happens (this has ALWAYS happened with Vista and windows 7)