Used ccleaner on windows 8 pc. Have issues. Help!

I recently used ccleanr to remove an unwanted malware program (guplayer). Used analyze, then clean.

Computer reset, then would not load properly. When it finally loaded, all the programs were gone, and the network connection wasn't working.

What happened? Can it be fixed?

Ccleaner is absolutely not a malware remover. Please read rule 10 in the forum rules thread for reputable malware remover help sites.

It wasn't to remove "malware" specifically. It was to uninstall an unwanted program. Was following instructions I found to delete something called guplayer. Said to use malwarebytes, then follow with ccleaner.

Sounds like malware to me, and seeing as the first two "how-to-remove" hits in my search engine are on sites with bad rep and the herdprotect sites says the guplayer is a application whose installer pushes adware, I repeat you are likely infected and running ccleaner may have been what was wanted by the infector. Go to one of the trusted sites and get a clean bill of health before we try and figure out anything