I can mount my encrypted USB, but the logical drive when clicked when unencrypted shows RAW. Any suggestions to get this fixed? Is there a way to copy the RAW logical decrypted logical drive data to a physical USB drive so I can run data recovery software on that physical drive because it will be unencrypted? I am using Veracrypt.
The headers are ok. The data shows RAW. I am thinking if I can find a software that will recognize the logical drive and I can copy the data from the logical drive that is unencrypted, to a physical drive then I can run a variety of recovery software on it. The problem I am running into is that recovery software does not recognize logical drives, only physical.
What partition recovery software will see the unencrypted logical drive? My experience thus far is that they only see physical drives.
Anyone else have an issue with Partition software not seeing the unencrypted logical drive like I am saying? If not please let me know which software you use