USB connecting problem

Guys 'n' Gals,

A month or so ago I tried to plug my Kingston USB pen into my PC (XP SP2) to download some photos. The Usb pen said it was being charged but the PC seems to have no inkling that it's connected. I can't force it to pick it up when it can't see anything there at all. I've not been able to connect it to the PC since.

Can anyone suggest what might (not) be happening?




Welcome chrissai

Please review the following:

What other USB devices do you have plugged in? Perhaps they have maxed out the power that is capable of being supplied by the USB Ports.

On my IBM ThinkCentre system it has 6 USB ports available with 2 on the front.

Check Device Manager for the USB ports available and if USB 2.0 is available by the presence of USB2 Enhanced controller 24DD

Check that Power Management is disabled in Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power

When using the USB Pen,I didn't plugged in other USB items,and I tried to plug it to my friend's PC,it also can't work.

As Doc Bones would say to Captain Kirk Its dead Jim

Its pining for the fjords, its expired and gone to meet its maker:

Do you have a receipt for it so that you can return it?