Upgrading to new dvd burner install question.

I have a fully patched and updated windows xp pro install. I am upgrading to a new dvd burner. I will uninstall my old Pioneer-DVR105 and install in its place a NEC-3550a.

The hardware switching is easy, but is there something with the drivers I will need to change?

When I go into Device Manager I see the Pioneer listed and i have the option to uninstall it. Should I uninstall it before in plug in the NEC?

If your NEC came with a manual, check what it has to say first. I think you probably should uninstall the old drive, and then install the drivers for the new drive, which should have come with a form of alternate media, a floppy disk, ie. Again, check to see what the manual says to be sure.

If your NEC came with a manual, check what it has to say first. I think you probably should uninstall the old drive, and then install the drivers for the new drive, which should have come with a form of alternate media, a floppy disk, ie. Again, check to see what the manual says to be sure.

The drive is OEM. So it is a bare drive. I have looked at the instructions from the NEC website. I am going ot just do it and figure it all out.

I don't think it needs any drivers or anything. Just unplug the Pioneer and put in the NEC. If you want, you can uninstall the Pioneer before you remove it, but I don't think that it is necessary.

If I bought a DVD, it would probably be a LG though, they're cheap.

BTW, I have a NEC and it can only change region coding 5 times, I guess it is like that for most other DVD players too, but I think that it sucks. Region coding sucks, I should be able to change it whenever I want and how often I want, and how many times I want. Heck, I shouldn't even need to change, it should read all regions. :)

That was easy.

I uninstalled it in Device Manager.

Turned computer off.

Placed in new burner.

Did some vaccumming inside.

Turned back on and everything works great.

I am getting ready to burn my first disc at 16x. My old burner was only 4x.

I don't think it needs any drivers or anything. Just unplug the Pioneer and put in the NEC.

Exactly. Those OS requires on CD/DVD burners are for the included software not the drive itself, and btw the included software is usually some crippled version without all the bells and whistles of the commercial version. You can use any burning software you wish, browse the Freeware thread to find one to your liking as there are many posted in there with good descriptions, I personally use Burnatonce (freeware)

That was easy.

Great to hear! :)

I am getting ready to burn my first disc at 16x. My old burner was only 4x.

Keep in mind that some say that running at 16x runs the risk of burn errors. So if you find that you're getting problems you may want to turn it down a bit. B)

Region coding sucks, I should be able to change it whenever I want and how often I want, and how many times I want. Heck, I shouldn't even need to change, it should read all regions.

Don't they use the regions to prevent piracy and whatnot?

Don't they use the regions to prevent piracy and whatnot?

Yeah, that's right. But they don't know me, so they shouldn't say I am pirate or something. Maybe I buy my DVD's at eBay, maybe I buy DVD's in other country when I am on a vacation, maybe my cousin in other country buy me a DVD movie as a present.

Also the manufacturer of the DVD, should just make the the drive, and want me to buy it, and if it have region code, then I don't want to buy it. It's not their business what I do with my DVD drive, they just sell it to me.

Great to hear! :)

Keep in mind that some say that running at 16x runs the risk of burn errors. So if you find that you're getting problems you may want to turn it down a bit. B)

The burn speed can effect media very easily, and burning at max speed is a bad ideal which can be verified using software like Nero or PlexTools (requires a Plextor drive) to check the C1, C2 errors. I personally don't burn any CD-R's over 8x speed anymore regardless of the brand. Also if someone buys s**t quality discs like those made by CMC expect allot of errors even at slower burn speeds. The most important thing is buy good quality discs, e.g.;

Taiyo Yuden, Sony, Verbatim (warning: some drives puke on their blue CD-R's).


I think the whole dvd region code thing is pure b.s. and shouldn't even exist on computers. And only getting 5 times to change the region code in the drive is a farce, although I don't ever watch dvd movies on my system. There are ways to make a drive region-less.