Upgrade fails

CCLeaner Professional. Downloaded latest update. Installation shows two errors during install and appears to fail the install when 'ignoring' the errors. (See example)


Have a look here and see if anything helps.


Out of interest, are you connected to the internet when installing it?

Yes, I am connected to the Internet during the installation.

Weird, I just updated my Windows 7 machine with no issues. It is the Windows 10 machine that is having the install issues.

I open CCleaner and it tells me there is an upgrade available. I click to download the install. The installation starts on its own. I have not renamed anything. I don't see any way to exit/close the program during the install, no do I see any way to download the install file outside of CCleaner.

See if it will install if you download it from here


You can install your key afterwards.

Went there, did that. Only one for me was the free version, and I've paid for the Pro version. Downloaded anyway and ran install. Still failed installing one file : program files/ccleaner/ccleaner64.exe. Tried installing from my downloads folder - same thing. Never had ANY issues before this current update (5.56).

TIME OUT! Restarted the computer and tried it again. this time it completed! thanks for all the suggestions!!

I'm having the exact same issue with installing the upgrade. Any new suggestions?

I finally did a restart of my computer, started ccleaner and the update popped up again. did it one more time, and this time the install completed without error.