I've just changed my browser to Firefox. Now I find that the 'Update CCleaner' and all the other places (like the pear in the top right-hand corner) which can be 'clicked' have stopped working. I have deleted and re-installed ccleaner a couple of times and the problem still persists. Have been using the programme for years now without any trouble whatsoever - it's brilliant!. Any ideas about this little problem, folks?
Change default browser to IE and back to Firefox?
Welcome to the forums
You know I've never noticed that pear for the updates I've sometimes clicked the Check for updates... link in the bottom right. If you have the Check for updates ticked in Options\Settings it does it for you automatically. The pear works for me.
What operating system are you using?
Change default browser to IE and back to Firefox?
Welcome to the forums
Dear Lucky10 I'm using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. Regards Peter P
Dear Lucky10 I'm using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. Regards Peter P
What he is saying is default browser has got messed up.
Try reinstalling firefox and setting it as default. This is nothing to do with ccleaner.
This might probably interest someone having similar problems. I followed the advice given above and re-installed Internet Explore 8 after which I took out FireFox - everything suddenly started working again like magic. This event was not directly related to CCleaner of course but some of the initial problems first became aparent when I tried to update CCleaner and it wouldn't: neither would any of the links on the CCleaner page work (amongst some others, as it ultimately transpired). Hope this might help others who try the same thing I did. My grateful thanks to all who answered my appeal for help. Peter.