Updating Driver?


I have Win xp home edition. How and do i have to update my driver?

Here is my driver:

Driver provider: Microsoft

Driver date: 7/1/2001

Driver version: 5.1.2535.0

Digital signer: Microsoft Windows Publisher

My modem is: Lucent win Modem

I would appreciate any help on this, thanks!

As you are posting on-line you modem works there for i see no reason to update it.

As you are posting on-line you modem works there for i see no reason to update it.

Thank you! :)

As you are posting on-line you modem works there for i see no reason to update it.

Yeah. WinXP's Automatic Updates, and/or Microsoft Update is good at finding updated modem drivers if they're available.

I would not trust driver updates from Microsoft especially for modems.

They are VERY fussy devices.

I would only trust the driver from the modem manufacturer.

Insure you get the correct driver for the operating system. :)