Updated to 5.04.5151 now CC is sloooow!

I updated to 5.04.5151 now CC is really slow running. Analyzing Windows is still on 0% after 15 minutes and the files for Internet Explorer are ticking over at about one or two per second. Also it won't analyse Applications. If I click on the Applications tab it displays Firefox etc but when I click Analyze it starts with Internet Explorer Temporary Internet files.

Stop the press! I just looked at CC and after 35 minutes its almost finished analyzing Applications. How did that happen when I had the Windows tab selected when I clicked Analyze? Does this version automatically analyze both Windows and Applications, and the tabs are there simply to allow setting your preferences as to what gets cleaned?

Scanning is always both tabs system and applications

Thanks Nergal. I was sure that previously I analysed and cleaned each tab separately. ??