Updated to 2.13 - lost cookie settings

I just updated from 2.12 to 2.13 - The download offered no options regarding saving the previous version or its settings. The update errased all of the INCLUDE/EXCLUDE cookie settings that took me a long time to set up.

On the HELP website under FAQ it states than an update won't erase settings from previous versions as long as you don't delete the previous one- I didn't... but its gone- all that is there is the newer version.

How do I recover them? What did I do wrong and how do I recover the lost settings?



Dear Single_Tasker,

May I assume that you uninstalled CCleaner before getting the new version?

That is the only way to lose settings.


Linux Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex

Dear Single_Tasker,

May I assume that you uninstalled CCleaner before getting the new version?

That is the only way to lose settings.


Linux Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex

Thanks for your reply.

No. I opened 1.2 and decided to click the check for updates link. I landed on a page that told me a newer version... 1.3 was available. I followed the 2 or 3 links to the download page, downloaded and saved the install portion, opened the install on my desk top, then hit a couple of Next and I Agree buttons.

Opened the program and all my previous settings, including include/exclude cookies are gone- so is any part of 1.2


Thanks for your reply.

No. I opened 1.2 and decided to click the check for updates link. I landed on a page that told me a newer version... 1.3 was available. I followed the 2 or 3 links to the download page, downloaded and saved the install portion, opened the install on my desk top, then hit a couple of Next and I Agree buttons.

Opened the program and all my previous settings, including include/exclude cookies are gone- so is any part of 1.2


Thanks for your time... but I opened the program today and now see that my settings have been restored.

Thanks for letting us know.

Take care :)