Updated Serbian translation


I love CCleaner, but I have noticed that there are many errors in Serbian translation. So I fixed them...

Here are some advices which you should follow:

1. Delete "Serbian Latin" from the list of languages.

2. Rename "Serbian Cyrillic" to "Serbian".

Explanation: About twenty years ago, there was only one language: Serbo-Croation, which was written using cyrillic and latin script. As you already know, they are two separate languages now: Croatian/Bosnian (uses latin script) and Serbian (uses cyrillic script).

Greetings from Serbia and Владо Дакић (Vlado Dakich)...

[i sent PM to MrG, but I think he is inactive (I have been searching this forum and many people agreed)]



Why didn't you included this file into new release of CCleaner???