Just sorted out a problem with win xp auto updates.
What was happening was that the windows update site would analyze for a long time, maybe an hour, then offer updates.
Then they would download and apparently install, but at the end they showed failure.
Also, all the earlier ones showed as failures, but they had been ok before.
Anybody know why that status might have changed?
No idea what caused it, probably started because I stopped BITS with services.msc.
Was having a problem getting Powershadow to start on the dual boot computer xp HDD, thought that might help.
Never let a little thing like ignorance slow you down, eh?
Read a bunch about how to start and stop services, use the sc command, register a dll, etc.
Had done just enough of that in the dim past to want to avoid it.
Also, microsoft offers quite a few "Fixit" links for that issue, but I didn't want to commit to those until absolutely necessary.
In the end, started with the simple fix first, used system restore and that worked.
Just seemed easier to put it all back than to fix it a bit at a time.
Points to the need for a good system backup utility.
Am using Acronis for win xp on the older box, it won't work on the newer dual booter.
Presently looking at Image for Windows (not free) for an imager, and AX64 (also not free ) for an instant rollback software.
Can't use Macrium free for an imager because I want to be able to restore to different hardware, but Macrium paid will do that, I read.
Any thoughts, recommendations?