Should I update ?
I just installed CCleaner version 2.07.575 on 5/23/08
I see all the correspondance for and against updating 2.08
Some advice please?
I have Windows XP SP2 and Avast Security
Should I update ?
I just installed CCleaner version 2.07.575 on 5/23/08
I see all the correspondance for and against updating 2.08
Some advice please?
I have Windows XP SP2 and Avast Security
Deleted by Disk4mat
Being a new member I looked at the problems listed with the update and many mentioned a possibility of a Trojan infection.
Were any positve reports of a trojan infection true or a hoax
Much concerned
Disc4MatBeing a new member I looked at the problems listed with the update and many mentioned a possibility of a Trojan infection.
Were any positve reports of a trojan infection true or a hoax
Much concerned
No,They were false positives.Maybe over extended to the level of a "hoax".
I have been using CCleaner for 7 months.I have never had any problems.
I also use WinXP Pro SP2 until installed SP3 in early May,2008.
Stick to the defaults as far as the Windows tab is concerned.
The Applications tab you may want to turn off and try one at a time if you are concerned. Initially backup everything you can as regards Applications you are concerned about or do it in pieces. CCleaner does not backup data that is going to be deleted.
Millions of users use CCleaner and have no problems at all. The reports you read on the forums are the few exceptions.
I am using the latest version CCleaner.
Leave the Registry cleaning to the "techies".Same goes for The Tools feature.
I clean the Recycle bin myself.
Use Options > Cookies and "keep your favorite sites cookies".
Turn off Adobe Flash Player if you want to avoid losing passwords and preferences for more "popular" sites like Yahoo, YouTube, GoogleEarth etc.
Keep Autocomplete Forms History turned off for the same reason.
Good luck Doc,
P.S. Use the Guide often in the beginning
Thanks Davey
I will now install update 2.08 etc
Thanks DaveyI will now install update 2.08 etc
Hi again Doc,
I know Doctors records are very important.
Some people have had problems in the past because they or their employees were not using Office products properly.
Until you know for sure that you are not keeping records in "temporary" places,I would uncheck those types of Applications.
Remember Analyze first and if you are concerned about what you see then leave it alone.That is to say uncheck those items on the Tabs and Analyze again.
When in doubt,leave it be. Use the Guide often in the beginning
Use Options > Cookies and "keep your favorite sites cookies".Turn off Adobe Flash Player if you want to avoid losing passwords and preferences for more "popular" sites.
Keep Autocomplete Forms History turned off for the same reason.
How does Adobe Flash Player save passwords? Cookies save passwords. I have Adobe turned on and I don't loose my passwords for favourite sites. Autocomplete Forms History turned on always as been.
how does one turn off adobe flash player?
How does Adobe Flash Player save passwords? Cookies save passwords. I have Adobe turned on and I don't loose my passwords for favourite sites. Autocomplete Forms History turned on always as been.
'flash cookies' are different to ordinary cookies (see here for a bit of info)
They are stored as .sol files, and some sites now use them to store data about you. So if they are cleaned by using CCleaner on macromedia flash, you may not be recognised when visiting a site, therefore some people don't tick macromedia flash player to be cleaned.
Others see them as an invasion of privacy as the are not time limited like ordinary cookies are.
how does one turn off adobe flash player?
Hi Tom Cat,
Good to here from you.
Untick Adobe Flash Player on the Applications tab under the Multimedia list.
P.S. I am presuming that you are turning it off to keep it from being cleaned by CCleaner.
How does Adobe Flash Player save passwords? Cookies save passwords. I have Adobe turned on and I don't loose my passwords for favourite sites. Autocomplete Forms History turned on always as been.
Well Keith,congratulations!!! You must be following rridgley instructions to the letter.
Very few people do.However this does require a person to enter all form data as needed and the re-entry of passwords and complete web addresses.At least nobody can find this data on your computer.
I think you have an alternative method that you are not sharing with us for security reasons.That is OK.
I remember you saying you are a member on many forums.So either you keep a private list somewhere or you use your own security encrypting and maintenance software.
I do remember some members say they use "Roboform"and similar programs.
Most people break rridgley's rule because they like the ease of auto log-in and Auto form filling.
P.S. People with laptops and notebooks should adhere to "rridgley's" advice.
Thanks for the Adobe info Davey.
I remember you saying you are a member on many forums.So either you keep a private list somewhere or you use your own security encrypting and maintenance software.
Yes I use 50 different forums but I only have 5 or 6 different usernames because someone else is using the one I want and the password is the same for all of them.
No I don't keep a seperate list and I have no security encrypting and maintenance software, I'm just using a good OS Win98SE.
Thanks for the Adobe info Davey.
Yes I use 50 different forums but I only have 5 or 6 different usernames because someone else is using the one I want and the password is the same for all of them.
No I don't keep a seperate list and I have no security encrypting and maintenance software, I'm just using a good OS Win98SE.
Yeah,I forgot you don't have all the advantages of WinXP SP3 and IE7.
50 forums = ??? (a lot of Cookies to keep).You must have a large COOKIE JAR.
Yeah,I forgot you don't have all the advantages of WinXP SP3 and IE7.50 forums = ??? (a lot of Cookies to keep).You must have a large COOKIE JAR.
I've just done a clean and checked the file count in my cookies and there are 69 including index.dat.
I wouldn't have IE7 we have it at work and the layout is crap. Who puts the address abr directly under the title bar? I havn't found a way to move it unless you after have admin rights to do that.
P.S. I might be having another computer this weekend. A friend at work has bought a new laptop so he doesn't want his desktop.
I've just done a clean and checked the file count in my cookies and there are 69 including index.dat.
I wouldn't have IE7 we have it at work and the layout is crap. Who puts the address abr directly under the title bar? I havn't found a way to move it unless you after have admin rights to do that.
P.S. I might be having another computer this weekend. A friend at work has bought a new laptop so he doesn't want his desktop.
Hey that is good news !!! Maybe that copy of XP that you have will load again for you.
how does one turn off adobe flash player?
Aside from unticking the cleaning routine in CCleaner to completely disable Adobe Flash on a system use SpywareBlaster's: Tools->Flash Killer
Aside from unticking the cleaning routine in CCleaner to completely disable Adobe Flash on a system use SpywareBlaster's: Tools->Flash Killer
Hi Andavari,
I am afraid some members have done as you suggest and now they can't get to their favorite sites.
I was going to suggest that they make sure that they did not do this by accident,not realizing what it will do.
Of course the remedy is to turn off that option.
Hey that is good news !!! Maybe that copy of XP that you have will load again for you.
No it doesn't look like its that gooder news. He said it was 1500Mhz its actually 1000Mhz. It has WinXP 2002 on because I installed it 3 years ago when I bought my new CD and his new CD.
CCleaner was on it but a lot older version so I updated to 2.08.588. In the Applications tab I notice there is no office on any kind (2000 Premium install). At work it shows Office 2003 and Office XP.
Applications Google Earth
Internet Sun Java. He has IE7.
MultimediaAdobe Flash Player, Quicktime Player, Quicktime Player Cache, Windows Media Player.
Windows MS Management Console, Regedit.
In mine I have
Applications Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0, MS Office Picture Management, Nero Burning ROM, Office 97. (he has Nero but that doesn't show either)
Internet Download Accelerator Plus, Windows Live Messenger (but I don't use and have never installed Live), Yahoo Toolbar.
Multimedia Adobe Flash Player, Windows Media Player.
Utilities Grisoft AVG 7.0, WinRAR, WinZip (he has WinZip but it doesn't show, I installed it 3 years ago)
Windows MS Paint, MS Photo Editor, MS Wordpad, Regedit.
I know I'm using Win98SE but the basics don't show.