Unwanted AVAST Installation

So pissed with CCleaner installing AVAST in the back ground without me knowing.

What makes you think it's OK to install a program just because your CCleaner installer didn't detect my anti-virus program (I had disabled my Kaspersky due to gaming)?

When I tried to uninstall AVAST, my computer froze. Two figgin hours to sort out. Windows repair again and again and then having to use restore points twice meaning I then had to make all the changes to my rig that I had done in the last 3 days.

Why do you do this? Why do you bundle such programs that can install in the background with knowing the possible consequences that it may have for some users?

And it isn't only me is it? Doing a search online shows that quite a number of your customers have had the same issues.

If CCleaner wasn't so good, I would never use it again and never come back.

Regards from one seriously pissed off customer...

That’s why I use Unchecky as it unticks these pesky PUPs thus preventing their automatic installation.

And why I always wait to install the SLIM version which does not include any PUPS

5 hours ago, CSGalloway said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		And why I always wait to install the SLIM version which does not include any PUPS


Yeah, normally I do see these, but this time I guess I didn't. Right royal pain in the butt...!

I've only had this once, and I was installing different versions of CC in a short time to do some testing so may have missed unchecking one.

What I found then was that Avast did not install itself. There was a second stage.

It put a tempting orange icon on the desktop that if clicked on would run the installer. (I didn't click on it to run, only right clicked to check it's properties).

It created a startup task that would run the installer at the next boot or restart. (I didn't do that either).

And it made a folder where the installer and other files were stored.

(If I remember correctly there were also a couple of new registry entries connected to the startup task).

I deleted the installer folder, deleted the desktop icon, deleted the startup task, (and the registry entries. Probably not needed once the installer itself had been deleted but lets make sure in case they 'phoned home').

That was it, no install just an attempt to install.

So if you get the download - don't click the desktop icon, don't restart/reboot, delete the installer and everything associated, much easier than trying to get rid of it once it has installed.

I cannot believe the nerve of Piriform to bundle in a stealth installation of the Avast software with a Ccleaner update. It took me 2 hours of screwing around with my 3 PCs to get rid of all traces of Avast - a normal "uninstall" wouldn't work. If this happens again, I will have to give up use of Ccleaner and never again do business with Piriform.