Ununtu 10.10 released on 10th October 2010

For those interested, the following link describes step by step a "NEW" installer procedure / instruction which has been well scripted.Ubuntu 10.10

Worth a look for those considering / wish to "play / learn" another OS.


EDIT: details of NEW stuff included with 10.10 and details of "off line" installation. Ubuntu 10.10 includes

Also (for Virtual users esp) note that the X system is different in 10.10 so if you use vbox follow these instructions


I'm really liking 10.10 (vbox) for my web-development . . . but I broke it so now am downloading the iso of the install disk (server >600MB Sigh)

Also (for Virtual users esp) note that the X system is different in 10.10 so if you use vbox follow these instructions


I'm really liking 10.10 (vbox) for my web-development . . . but I broke it so now am downloading the iso of the install disk (server >600MB Sigh)

Likewise, a little Firefox box informs me that I only have 3 hours & 5 minutes of downloading to go for a Desktop ISO, thought I would go for a fresh install rather than an upgrade...........ah well, they say good things come to those that wait, all 698MB <_<

Yeah, I used DownThemAll in my Firefox (which is usually super fast and it still took ~1hour. Installing now Then I still have to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop Sigh

Ha ha ha, maybe I was a fool to not know that they released Ubuntu 10.10 on the 10th of October, 2010 and what do you know, that was my real life birthday. 10-10-10

By the way Tasgandy, I have managed to install Ubuntu 9 three months ago but I swapped it for Linux Mint 9 (Isadora). I still have Ubuntu 10.04 ISO but I'd rather stick with Linux Mint 9. I did give a burned Ubuntu 10.04 CD to a friend.

The reason I was having problems installing Linuxes on my machine was unsupported drive formats. I would install my Linuxes on unallocated or free spaces and thank God, they got installed this time. I did not even need to do a rebuild.

Besides my Linux Mint 9 which is installed on a 15 GB partition, I also have Peppermint OS installed on a 6.5 GB partition because I only use it for test. But I use Linux Mint 9 regularly for normal usage and since I use Wine on my Linuxes, I can install Windows-compatible applications in them even MS Office 2007. They work fine for me. I got my Internet to work on those two. I just have to boot either one of them first before booting Windows 7 because if I boot Windows 7 first, then restart then log in to my Linuxes, my Internet would just go too slow in them.

Ha ha ha, maybe I was a fool to not know that they released Ubuntu 10.10 on the 10th of October, 2010 and what do you know, that was my real life birthday. 10-10-10

By the way Tasgandy, I have managed to install Ubuntu 9 three months ago but I swapped it for Linux Mint 9 (Isadora). I still have Ubuntu 10.04 ISO but I'd rather stick with Linux Mint 9. I did give a burned Ubuntu 10.04 CD to a friend.

The reason I was having problems installing Linuxes on my machine was unsupported drive formats. I would install my Linuxes on unallocated or free spaces and thank God, they got installed this time. I did not even need to do a rebuild.

Besides my Linux Mint 9 which is installed on a 15 GB partition, I also have Peppermint OS installed on a 6.5 GB partition because I only use it for test. But I use Linux Mint 9 regularly for normal usage and since I use Wine on my Linuxes, I can install Windows-compatible applications in them even MS Office 2007. They work fine for me. I got my Internet to work on those two. I just have to boot either one of them first before booting Windows 7 because if I boot Windows 7 first, then restart then log in to my Linuxes, my Internet would just go too slow in them.

Ishi well done for 3 months ago, always best when you do not have to do a re-build.

Is there much of a difference (that matter's) between Ubuntu & Linux Mint 9?

I have just recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 (as a dual boot) to my existing Win7 home premium (32 bit) test box, I suppose I did this to kinda keep my hand in.

Re "Wine" installed on Linux, by the sound of it all your Windows apps are working well? exactly which Windows apps have you installed?

Are you running 32 or 64 bit OS?

Ishi well done for 3 months ago, always best when you do not have to do a re-build.

Is there much of a difference (that matter's) between Ubuntu & Linux Mint 9?

I have just recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 (as a dual boot) to my existing Win7 home premium (32 bit) test box, I suppose I did this to kinda keep my hand in.

Re "Wine" installed on Linux, by the sound of it all your Windows apps are working well? exactly which Windows apps have you installed?

Are you running 32 or 64 bit OS?

I am of course running a 32 bit system. I have a 30 GB partition where all three of my operating systems can share and access.

There are of course a number of similarities and differences.

Linux Mint 9 has the taskbar on the bottom of the screen by default.

If I open the Menu option on the taskbar, there is a quick search function like on Windows 7, but I only got it to search for installed programs, not individual folders and files. Of course it comes with Open Office.

I also love the Control Center, because it has similar things grouped.

Linux Mint 9, has a lot of graphics enhancement tools, particularly, fading effects, application switcher and my fave is ring switcher and I can even make custom controls on those. But you have to enable them first and get a driver update for your video card on Linux which I did. Posted screenshots for that below.

Linux Mint 9 also comes with a Software Manager (like many Linux distros nowadays, I assume) which allows me to download and install applications without the tricky packaging things. I installed Wine this way.

Wine is also compatible with most of the Linux distros, I believe, of course Ubuntu is included.

What Wine does is that it creates a virtual C: drive in your Linux filesystem. Inside the C: Drive, I saw a "Program Files" folder which is where Windows compatible programs are installed by default. It also has a "Users" and "Windows" folder. Wine even has its own Registry. Wine also comes with its own version of IE and Notepad by default.

I was able to install Windows programs like MS Office 2007, Google Sketchup, CCleaner, Disk Cleaner, DevC++ and Adobe Photoshop 7.0, on Linux Mint 9 using Wine. Games Like Quake III and Warsow also worked. I even used CCleaner to clean the Wine's Registry.

Most installers will not work if you have these .exe files stored in your Linux Filesystem, but I discovered that if you move these .exe installers on another partition or a USB, then try to run them from there, they will most likely proceed with the install setup like on Windows. But not all programs will work, some will crash, especially older programs.

Peppermint OS, is still on its infancy in terms of development. It doesn't even come with Open Office by default and its ISO is only 400+ MB in size. But you can install Open Office via the Software Manager. Wine also works here.

But what I love about Peppermint is that it comes with a lot of cloud apps by default.

Both of these operating systems still have a few bugs. But its good to try. If you have questions on how to do maintenance tasks on these systems to keep them running smoothly, I can give ways for you.

post-31341-094680000 1287456203_thumb.png

RC for Mint 10 is out: http://www.linuxmint.com/blog/?p=1554.

Must notify DennisD. :P

Ishi thanks a million for your detailed reply, and I shall certainly try "Wine" and thanks for the offer of your assistance should I run into any issues re working with Peppermint / Linux Mint 9 not that I will install them just yet as I have several other pressing matters on my plate at this stage.

Once again Ishi many thanks :rolleyes:

PS: thanks for the head's up Login123 re Mint10

Ishi & Tasgandy, you guys are the best. Super explanation, Ishi, that is the first time I have understood how wine (the software) works.

Tasgandy has posted some darned good explanations himself:

link May 2010

link June 2010

link October 2010

link October 2010 also

And from ishan_rulz: link September 2010

There is another from Tasgandy, very complete explanation of the travails he faced with a dual boot installation, but I have lost it. :o

Thanks for the praises guys. I guess we all learn new things everyday.

In short, Wine makes a mini Windows-like environment inside your Linux so you can install Windows compatible programs in it. Again, not all of them will work or work perfectly.

I even saw a video on Youtube of someone install MS Office 2007 on a Ubuntu using Wine but his version of Wine is an older version, he had to downgrade from his existing Wine version, but this is a version that was manually installed using the tricky packaging-config mumbo jumbo.

Just to be clear, I installed my version of Wine from the "Software Manager" which downloads and installs the programs for me. The Software Manager has made it a thousand percent easier to install and remove Linux programs to your Linux machine. The Software Manager also offers thousands of other Linux programs for you to choose from.

But the programs that were installed using Wine are different, they have to be removed either by their own uninstallers, a tool such as CCleaner or by an uninstalling utility in Wine. As a consequence, they also leave orpahed junk behind such as invalid entries in Wine's Registry but since CCleaner can be installed, I use it to clean Wine's Registry.