Unnistaled application


I am now using ultimate 32 bits which have Integrated Windows Defender

I have COMPLETELLY removed It as this program causes conflicts with other antispy ware program i have

But the CC aplication window still show the program for clean

Any way to remove this uninstalled app notification from cc aplications window?

thanks for any adivice


I am now using ultimate 32 bits which have Integrated Windows Defender

I have COMPLETELLY removed It as this program causes conflicts with other antispy ware program i have

But the CC aplication window still show the program for clean

Any way to remove this uninstalled app notification from cc aplications window?

thanks for any adivice

Have you tried running the registry cleaner yet? You'll need to run it 2 to 3 times usually to clean it completely. Run the cleaner and reboot. I think maybe this could remove any of the references to the defender. I will say that even if it doesn't, it shouldn't be a problem.

Good Luck!




Have you tried running the registry cleaner yet? You'll need to run it 2 to 3 times usually to clean it completely. Run the cleaner and reboot. I think maybe this could remove any of the references to the defender. I will say that even if it doesn't, it shouldn't be a problem.

Good Luck!




Hi and thanks for the reply

I have already tried registri cleaners but the program still apear in cc windows

More adivices,ideas?

Hi and thanks for the reply

I have already tried registri cleaners but the program still apear in cc windows

More adivices,ideas?

Hello vecchio,

Did you follow the software manufacturers exact instructions to uninstall the product?

Exactly what did you uninstall?

Did you Reboot as Vic instructed?

:) davey

Disabling Windows Defender and unticking it from startup in vista is the accepted solution as it is so intrenched into the OS.

Good luck

Hi and thanks for all the answers

As i said,I have completely uninstalled it and all the visible references since it conflicts with other antispy ware i use

Since I cant see an uninstaller(as the program is integrated to vista) i delete the folder of the program and any other reference visible as i said

Also,i have cleaned the registri

But the program still apear in cc main window as app to be cleanes

No way to solve this?


Hi and thanks for all the answers

As i said,I have completely uninstalled it and all the visible references since it conflicts with other antispy ware i use

Since I cant see an uninstaller(as the program is integrated to vista) i delete the folder of the program and any other reference visible as i said

Also,i have cleaned the registri

But the program still apear in cc main window as app to be cleanes

No way to solve this?


Time to go back a bit. NOT a system restore, but how this should be done. In Vista, go to the add remove programs in the control panel, which in Vista is just "Programs" and look for the "Vista add-ons" or features. I can't remember exactly since I don't have Vista and am winging this from memory. This also might be found from the same window that has the Microsoft Update page, I know this is a long way around but you should be able to find it. Once there, go ahead and add the Defender back to your system. Once you've done that you should now have two choices on how to deal with it. Open Defender and there are several check boxes in the settings that you want to deselect so that Defender doesn't run on your system. The last one to pay attention to is about not letting other users have access to it or something of that nature. Close Defender and reboot your system. Now it will no longer run. The next choice if you now want to remove it the right way, is to go back where you added it to your system is to remove it there. The reason you want to do it this way, instead of just deleting the folders where it lives, is so that the system should get rid of most all of the traces of it in the registry, hidden folders, and settings folders. Then once you run CCleaner and the registry cleaner it should be rid of Defender and now probably won't show up in CCleaner again, unless you add it back to the system.

Either way, even if it is listed, just ignore it. I have it turned off like I've suggested in the first method, on several client machines and CCleaner has never had any issue with it.

Good Luck!




Time to go back a bit. NOT a system restore, but how this should be done. In Vista, go to the add remove programs in the control panel, which in Vista is just "Programs" and look for the "Vista add-ons" or features. I can't remember exactly since I don't have Vista and am winging this from memory. This also might be found from the same window that has the Microsoft Update page, I know this is a long way around but you should be able to find it. Once there, go ahead and add the Defender back to your system. Once you've done that you should now have two choices on how to deal with it. Open Defender and there are several check boxes in the settings that you want to deselect so that Defender doesn't run on your system. The last one to pay attention to is about not letting other users have access to it or something of that nature. Close Defender and reboot your system. Now it will no longer run. The next choice if you now want to remove it the right way, is to go back where you added it to your system is to remove it there. The reason you want to do it this way, instead of just deleting the folders where it lives, is so that the system should get rid of most all of the traces of it in the registry, hidden folders, and settings folders. Then once you run CCleaner and the registry cleaner it should be rid of Defender and now probably won't show up in CCleaner again, unless you add it back to the system.

Either way, even if it is listed, just ignore it. I have it turned off like I've suggested in the first method, on several client machines and CCleaner has never had any issue with it.

Good Luck!




Sorry but i cant find this


Sorry but i cant find this


I'll see if I can get my hands on a Vista computer tomorrow and find the paths and how to get this thing right. I spent some time looking and did find a link to the Microsoft site to download it. I even found a post on a CNET forum that I made and forgot about. I read it and found myself thinking that this is exactly what I would do. How's that for forgetful? I saw my own name at the end of the post and cracked up.

I would probably reinstall, disable, and ignore it. Or just ignore the listing in CCleaner unless it's causing trouble. Also I don't know if this might make CCleaner "see" defender, but did you turn off the defender service (if it's still there)? Right click "Computer" > choose "Manage" then go down to the bottom of that box and under "Services and Applications" (I think this is the same for XP or Vista), > "Services" and find Defender and double click on it and "Disable" it. Just a thought... Either way I'll keep looking, I really dislike Defender quite a bit so if I can find a good way to help, I will.


Thanks again

Please note, i have erased ALL defender refferences,this means i cant see any refference of the program in the control panel,security center or any other location of the comp

I know this is a very smal issue,but i would like to understand why cc still find defender

Also,please note,defender already cant be found under "services"(i got a message saying the service does not exist anymore or something like this)

I have also tried to reinstall defender via setup file, and so i get a message saying something like"You cant istall the program because its part of vista already"

Any solution:?


Thanks again

Please note, i have erased ALL defender refferences,this means i cant see any refference of the program in the control panel,security center or any other location of the comp

I know this is a very smal issue,but i would like to understand why cc still find defender

Also,please note,defender already cant be found under "services"(i got a message saying the service does not exist anymore or something like this)

I have also tried to reinstall defender via setup file, and so i get a message saying something like"You cant istall the program because its part of vista already"

Any solution:?


Hi vecchio,

I would not doubt that Vic comes up with something.

I found Defender to be easier to get rid of on XP.It wouldn't surprise me that it pretty well embedded in Vista as Symantec can be in XP.

What'sRunning program showed me that some of Symantec is still present on my computer after 10 months.

The best security programs do a good job of hiding in the system so malware can't defeat them.

Good luck,

:) davey