Unknown message mystery solved

Thanks again to everyone, and I'm sorry again that I can't respond in the proper manner. Somehow, the only way I can post is to start a new topic. But I won't keep doing this. I promise.

After further e-discussion with my friend, we figured out what was going on. After that, she ran CCleaner and said it worked "like a charm." Not surprising, of course. It's a wonderful program.

Thanks for letting us know cheral. :)


Okay, really quick. Click on the image to make it larger. You can see that 2 of "Add Reply" are circled in red. If you click on either of those it will add your post to the thread.

The "Add Reply" that is circled in green will let you respond to that specific person in that thread.

Practice in this thread if you want. No one will care.

and i thought it was gremlins behind the whole thing

and i thought it was gremlins behind the whole thing[/color]

Only krit gremlins. ;)

same thing either way


Thanks for letting us know cheral. :)


Okay, really quick. Click on the image to make it larger. You can see that 2 of "Add Reply" are circled in red. If you click on either of those it will add your post to the thread.

The "Add Reply" that is circled in green will let you respond to that specific person in that thread.

Practice in this thread if you want. No one will care.

OK, I'm giving this a try. I used the green circled reply, to reply to you. The part that has been hanging me up is what to do after I've finished my post. Down near bottom of page, I have two choices: Add Reply and Preview Post. It's at this point that something has gone wrong. But here comes another try, and thanks so much for your patience!

And this time I'm using the reply near bottom, circled in red, to (hopefully) say "Good Morning," and "Thanks to everyone." I do absolutely love forums, by the way. I learned, early on, that calling tech support was rather an exercise in futility. I couldn't understand them; they couldn't understand me; and what I could understand boiled down to this: If I'd already done everything I knew to do, in an effort to save them some time, they wanted me to do it all over again. Ugh.

When I contact a forum, I get responses faster than if I were on hold to tech support; I can understand what's being told to me; and no one suggests I redo what I've already done, ad infinitum. And you're all volunteers! The best of everything to all of you -- and I hope I get it right this time!

OK, I'm giving this a try. I used the green circled reply, to reply to you. The part that has been hanging me up is what to do after I've finished my post. Down near bottom of page, I have two choices: Add Reply and Preview Post. It's at this point that something has gone wrong. But here comes another try, and thanks so much for your patience!

And this time I'm using the reply near bottom, circled in red, to (hopefully) say "Good Morning," and "Thanks to everyone." I do absolutely love forums, by the way. I learned, early on, that calling tech support was rather an exercise in futility. I couldn't understand them; they couldn't understand me; and what I could understand boiled down to this: If I'd already done everything I knew to do, in an effort to save them some time, they wanted me to do it all over again. Ugh.

When I contact a forum, I get responses faster than if I were on hold to tech support; I can understand what's being told to me; and no one suggests I redo what I've already done, ad infinitum. And you're all volunteers! The best of everything to all of you -- and I hope I get it right this time!

P.S. I did a screen capture of the image added by krit86lr, so now I have reference material!

I'm glad to see you have managed some replies cheral. :)

I tried to reply to the post you made yesterday at 12.45 gmt, but ccleaner would not let me saying broken link or other problem. After a few minutes your post was removed, not sure who by.

Hi cheral. I forgot to tell you one thing. When you make a post, and shortly go back and make another post...your posts will become merged in to 1 post rather than 2 posts.

We'll see you around. :)

Okey-Dokey. I'll be talking to you all again sometime.