I am using Recuva version 1.35.472. I keep getting THIS message after saving some files to my desktop and then left clicking on it. :"An unknown error occurred while performing the requested action on this contact.", even though they show the same #1.state(Excellent) and #2.comment( no overwritten clusters detected) as the VERY few ones that I HAVE been able to successfully recover.
I somehow deleted ALL the contacts in my Windows Mail program but I DO see ALOT of files in the Recuva window listed as .contact(see attachment) which seems to indicate to me that they ARE the deleted files from my windows mail contacts, but I canNOT successfully recover many of them which show: #1. state(Excellent and #2.comment( no overwritten clusters detected). This problem happens whether I save to the SAME drive or ANOTHER drive on my computer.
I would MOST greatly appreciate ANY and ALL help. I do NEED to recover as many contacts as possible.
Thank you.