
I know this may sound dumb but how do you use uninstaller? Surely all the list will be uninstalled if I press uninsatll. i want to uninstall some printer software that is causing problems but i do not seem able to select it.

And whilst I am about Q's that seem dumb to ask, How do you know what file an entry is referring to to enable you to know you can delete it safely?

many thanks in anticipation of answers!

Hi Ping, and welcome to the forum.

No such thing as a dumb question, we all gotta learn sometime. The Uninstall tool in CCleaner simply runs the programs own uninstaller. It's a lot quicker than going through Windows add/remove programs, which is painfully slow to load.

Click on the program you want to uninstall to highlight it, and select "Run Uninstaller". CCleaner will only act upon the highlighted entry.

Your second question.

How do you know what file an entry is referring to to enable you to know you can delete it safely?

Can you be more specific? Are you talking about the cleaner feature itself, or are you referring to the delete feature in the Uninstaller section?

Thanks, i will try the highlighting -I just was not sure what I was doing.

as regards the 2nd bit of my Q

I suppose I mean how do I understand all the list of entries on the uninstall/ add/ remove list. Some are obvious as to what they refer to others less so. I just do not want to uninstall something I may regret, but I want to get rid of surplus files.

I am investigating CCleaner as my computer keeps freezing if I try the windows add/remove tool and the only way I can get out of the loop is to cut the power which I know is not good for the hard drive.

It also wont turn off as it tries to download windows updates, but freezes, again requiring me to cut the power. I also have error boxes concerning an epson printer which i am trying to get rid of.

I am not really sure hoe much i can expecto of CCleaner!

Thanks, ping

First of all, the list of programs in CCleaners Uninstall window is simply a list of all the programs you have installed on your computer.

You don't have to understand what each of these items actually is, as a lot of them are programs ready shipped with your PC, and definitely don't want uninstalling.

The main purpose of the feature is to enable you to uninstall any third party programs you've installed yourself, and then want rid of. It's there for occassional use, not to use regularly like the other features of CCleaner.

Can I suggest you read the beginners guide for CCleaner found here.


The other problems you are having. Freezing etc, could be due to Malware on your PC.

I would suggest posting in the Spyware thread here, explain the problems you are having, and following the instructions you'll get from a Spyware Moderator.

If it's not a Malware problem, then we'll try something else, but it's important we elliminate that first.

Be patient, and we'll do our best to get your problems sorted out, but don't hesitate to ask any further questions if you feel the need.

First of all, the list of programs in CCleaners Uninstall window is simply a list of all the programs you have installed on your computer.

You don't have to understand what each of these items actually is, as a lot of them are programs ready shipped with your PC, and definitely don't want uninstalling.

The main purpose of the feature is to enable you to uninstall any third party programs you've installed yourself, and then want rid of. It's there for occassional use, not to use regularly like the other features of CCleaner.

Can I suggest you read the beginners guide for CCleaner found here.


The other problems you are having. Freezing etc, could be due to Malware on your PC.

I would suggest posting in the Spyware thread here, explain the problems you are having, and following the instructions you'll get from a Spyware Moderator.

If it's not a Malware problem, then we'll try something else, but it's important we elliminate that first.

Be patient, and we'll do our best to get your problems sorted out, but don't hesitate to ask any further questions if you feel the need.