uninstalling Crapware vs valid apps


I have been using CCleaner for a couple of months and it works well for me. I use it to clean out my temp files. Anyway, I read somewhere that this app was good for removing Crapware. I was helping my brother who has a Compaq notebook that we reinstalled the OS recently. The notebook came with all sorts of 'free' apps that most Compaq and HP home notebooks have. I have never used a specific app to do a Crapware cleaning. CCleaner has an uninstall section but does not seem to have any smarts on removing specific 'bad' software. I downloaded another recommended app but it also did not seem like it would automatically or make a smart recommendation on what is crapware and what is valid apps.

thanks for any suggestions :)

Well, what's crap to one man (or woman) is manna to another. CC has never, as far as I know, been promoted as a crapware cleaner. It cleans temporary and work files, etc. for existing applications. The uninstall section can't reflect your choice of application, it just shows what is on your pc.

I have a Dell and I spent many a happy hour removing AOL, Norton, McAfee, Corel, Google, Yahoo, Tiscali, and every damn thing that kept popping up in front of me. There are websites devoted to cleaning crap from Dells, so maybe there's the same for HP. Otherwise just keep pressing te uninstall button.

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