Uninstalling CC

How can I uninstall this program...

Windows 10 does not include it on a list of installed programs, but the program is installed and runs on my computer.

It should be in the Windows 10 apps list, but if for some reason it isn't showing then you can use CCleaner to uninstall itself:


It never appeared in the Windows 10 list of applications, nor in the older Windows app to remove applications, nor did it appear in CC's list of applications.

I finally saw a suggestion to use File Explorer to find the uninstall routine listed in the program files directory.

All done!

45 minutes ago, badger51 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I finally saw a suggestion to use File Explorer to find the uninstall routine listed in the program files directory.

That would also have been my next suggestion if needed.

As to why installed apps sometimes don't register in the Windows 10 apps list only Microsoft could say, although you'd expect that if they knew why they would fix it.

I've seen it a few times with different apps and it's inconsistent Windows behaviour, sometimes an app will register sometimes it won't.