uninstaller reference issues

Hi, when i scan the registry with ccleaner it comes up with heaps of "uninstaller reference issue". They appear to be in an ARPcache file in the registry. Can somebody explain what they are (simple terms 'cos I'm no comp geek), why they keep showing up and how or what to do with them? Thanks for any help.

Hi, when i scan the registry with ccleaner it comes up with heaps of "uninstaller reference issue". They appear to be in an ARPcache file in the registry. Can somebody explain what they are (simple terms 'cos I'm no comp geek), why they keep showing up and how or what to do with them? Thanks for any help.
Are you running Windows XP (I can't recall seeing the same issue arise in Vista, just WXP)? I find the same ARPcache files appear each time I click on Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. It's a normal part of the operation of Windows apparently:

"What is ARPCache? ARPCache is a secret, undocumented section of the registry used to store information for Add/Remove Program items in the latest versions of Windows. If you open Add/Remove Programs in the newer versions of Windows, you will notice that certain information has been added, such as, size, frequency of use, and last used on. This data is kept in binary files in the ARPCache of the registry, which means that even if you know where it is in the registry, you probably will not be able to read it. ARPCache Viewer deciphers the binary files and shows you what is in each entry. ARPCache is not ARP Cache Some people have mistakenly confused this ARPCache (which obviously stands for Add Remove Programs Cache) with the documented ARP (which stands for Address Resolution Protocol) Cache of the Windows operating system"


I just remove them with CCleaner and they stay away until I next click on Add/Remove Programs.

Thanks Robbie, now I know they are nothing to worry about i'll leave them be.

Are you running Windows XP (I can't recall seeing the same issue arise in Vista, just WXP)? I find the same ARPcache files appear each time I click on Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. It's a normal part of the operation of Windows apparently:

"What is ARPCache? ARPCache is a secret, undocumented section of the registry used to store information for Add/Remove Program items in the latest versions of Windows. If you open Add/Remove Programs in the newer versions of Windows, you will notice that certain information has been added, such as, size, frequency of use, and last used on. This data is kept in binary files in the ARPCache of the registry, which means that even if you know where it is in the registry, you probably will not be able to read it. ARPCache Viewer deciphers the binary files and shows you what is in each entry. ARPCache is not ARP Cache Some people have mistakenly confused this ARPCache (which obviously stands for Add Remove Programs Cache) with the documented ARP (which stands for Address Resolution Protocol) Cache of the Windows operating system"


I just remove them with CCleaner and they stay away until I next click on Add/Remove Programs.