Uninstaller Reference Issue: WDF 01009


Due to the wonders of the way that Windows Drivers (written with the Kernel Mode Driver Framework, KMDF) are installed, if you let CCleaner delete this key then you will no longer be able to install *ANY* devices (or run updates for any devices) that have been written using KMDF.

You cannot correct this error by trying to install/reinstall a device because it won't work (however, if you have another PC with the relevant entry, you can regedit export the key and then regedit import).

You do not need to keep the directory containing the uninstaller, but you do need to keep the registry entries.

Problem: Uninstaller Reference Issue

Data: "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallWdf01009$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"

Registry Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wdf01009

Can I suggest that Piriform add this to a 'do not delete' list.


Hi Eric.

The best and quickest way for you to do that would be to use CCleaners "Registry Exclude" feature.

If this entry pops up in a registry scan, you can simply right click it, and select "Add to Exclude list".

You can also do it by going to "Options\Exclude\Add\Registry Key\Browse".

Paste the registry address in the large box, select the correct hive in the small box, and then delete the hive part from the start of the pasted address. The OK button will then become active.

This seems to be a right pain-in-the-ass lot of fiddling, but why it's so fiddly I have no idea.

Hope that helps.

Might help the bug fixers if you list your version of Windows that has this issue.

Good call Andavari,

Windows versions affected are ...

2K(all versions), XP(all versions), 2003(all versions), Vista(all versions), 7(all versions) i.e. not related to Windows version, only related to drivers that use the WDF co-installer (WdfCoInstaller01009.dll). Possibly/probably applies to other versions of WDF co-installer but I can't test.
