uninstalled programs still shown in search windows 10

so I recently used the uninstalling feature of CCleaner and I've found that it's making a glitch in my pc where I can still search up for the program I uninstalled in the search icon from windows and I still found it there, but the thing is nothing happened when I right-click or left-click on it it's just saying that its an app and I can't do anything about it, I want to get rid of

them and I think CCleaner is uninstalling the programs un-properly.

btw all the programs below , i uninstalled them using ccleaner .




Hi @IsZar I wasn't able to replicate this problem with Twitch because after using CCleaner for its uninstallation, it did not appear in the Start Menu's search results.

Can you please go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs to see if Twitch and/or Badlion Client exist in this location?

Before you'll be able to navigate to the directory mentioned above, you'll need to enable the "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" option in File Explorer, as described at https://www.technipages.com/show-hidden-files-windows

If they do exist in that location, you should be able to resolve this problem by manually deleting them.

Hi again, sorry I couldn't find "Twitch" and "Badlion client" in the "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" even if I had hidden files, folders, and drivers enabled

by the way, it's not in the star menu anyways, the problem is it's not anywhere but when I search up for them it's still shown that they are apps but I can't click them or right-click them

what should I do now? I even looked for that on google and the thing appears that the problem is because CCleaner doesn't uninstalled the properly

6 hours ago, IsZar said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		appears that the problem is because CCleaner doesn't uninstalled the properly

all ccleaner does is run the uninstall exactly as windows would, it just runs the same thing as doing it from programs

than why porgrams still showing do you have a solution ?

Hey IsZar, could you try and see if the problem can be resolved by rebuilding the Windows Search Index, as described at https://www.techjunkie.com/how-to-solve-windows-search-issues-index-rebuild/ ?