Have you ever installed a program and then when you uninstall, it keeps the files behind. Or does not do the uninstallation at all? What causes this and what can be done to make sure your computer is clean nof the files?
Everything can't be cleaned or wiped.
CCleaner helps with this problem but you may have to manually delete some files.
This could be for many reasons, maybe because other programs may use the same file and the uninstaller isnt sure if the other programs are still there.
You could use ZSoft Uninstaller to monitor an install then it should get just about everything if an uninstall is required.
For a manual uninstall I use Agent Ransack, a free search utility, to find any left over files and Regseeker's find function for any registry dregs.
Have you ever installed a program and then when you uninstall, it keeps the files behind. Or does not do the uninstallation at all?
Just install anything with McAfee or Norton printed on the packaging and you'll be in manual uninstall heaven, or is that hell.
ZSoft Uninstaller has already been mentioned and that's the route to go for removing software that has poor uninstallers which don't uninstall all the files and registry settings.
Nice prog., thx for posting.