Uninstall under the tools menu

Let me start out by saying this feature i am talking about is one of my favorite things in CCleaner. I like all parts, but this part is much much faster. Sometimes on an old computer that hasn't been defragmented in a long time it takes 5 minutes or more to load m$'s add remove programs. not CCleaner.. instant loading...anyway let me get to why I started this topic

One of them many things I hate about m$'s add remove programs is that there is very little if any description of what the programs are that are listed.Just a name that means almost nothing to most people. They don't know that that "AiO_Scan_CDA" is for or does. Sure you could assume it does something with the scanning features of a printer... but what really happens if I remove it. I know that can't really couldn't be included, but I knwo that most files have a manufacture and author along with copywrites associated with them. Would it be possible to make CCleaner include that in the uninstall list? maybe right click the item in the list and select properties and it would show you a very brief discription, dependencies, and maybe where it is installed.

I write about this because, I just installed a printer, actually a mfd that includes a scanner. I was stupid and told it to do the complete install. now my uninstall listing is littered with many many(over 20) things that I know are related to the printer, but which do I uninstall now? I dont' know what it going to messup... and worse, when I remove what I think is the main program it doesn't remove all of them. sure, this feature I asked for probably won't help me with this, but it would be something grealy appreciated by many... what do you think?

Let me start out by saying this feature i am talking about is one of my favorite things in CCleaner. I like all parts, but this part is much much faster. Sometimes on an old computer that hasn't been defragmented in a long time it takes 5 minutes or more to load m$'s add remove programs. not CCleaner.. instant loading...anyway let me get to why I started this topic

I dont' know what it going to messup... and worse, when I remove what I think is the main program it doesn't remove all of them. sure, this feature I asked for probably won't help me with this, but it would be something grealy appreciated by many... what do you think?

Hi 'ZzDr.Fred,

Every now and then a member actually asks what the other members think. In your case I believe that you are serious and so am I. I think that your excellent explanation speaks for itself and only leaves me totally agreeing with you.

There, that is what I think. How you like them apples ? :P

All members suggestions are always welcome. This holds true especially for you, Fred.

Thanks and see ya 'round the forums,

:) davey

Hi Dr.Fred, and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the suggestion, and I have a suggestion for you to avoid the problem you mention happening with any future installs.

Try using an install tracker to install any future software.

ZSoft Uninstaller:

Total Uninstall: (Last freeware version) (Use the "Download" link, not the "Home" one)

Revo Uninstaller: (Not a tracker but a similar end result)

All freeware.


first of all... dennisd,

I try and install as little as possible on my computer(besides my mistake with the recent printer). I don't like programs that I don't know... that being said I don't mind trying something new once in awhile, that is how I found CCleaner. now adays... I think the future of computing is portable apps. I don't mean online apps that seems to be the focus of the computer world, but portable. Like I can put them on my thumb drive and run them on any computer... I would even go as far as saying portable oses also... get a computer with the the new memory(solid state) hardrives that are showing up in dells and so on... and no other hdd installed. honestly, I don't go around with a thumb drive, I just put all my portable programs on the hdd, but when I go to reload my machine it takes me 75% less time to reload because I do a back up of my portable apps, reload windows and then place the portable apps back and I am done. anyway, I do use several items at work on a thumb drive because sometimes it is easier to just plug it in and do what I need then move to the next problem.

why couldn't my favorite program (CCleaner) improve itself to make it more valuable to me instead of me having to go out and get even more programs to install and maintain... I am looking to lessen my load not increase it.

to davey,

I have actually been around these forums for awhile. I mostly use them to keep up on the program. Usually someone mentions something that I want to suggest so I don't include my input because it is already covered. So, yes I haven't posted allot. I just have always thought this particular thing was very irritating and is something that is desperately needed. I work in IT as deskside support and am having to deal with this problem very frequently. The good thing is, in a corp environment, almost all of the core programs I install and uninstall I am very aware of what it creates in the add remove programs area. as most should realize, users tend to install their own programs that cause problems with the core programs. I have to then investigate and find out what that weirdly name program is to see if it needs to go. I am just saying this feature I am suggesting to be added... would make things in my personal and work much much less complicated.

to davey,

as most should realize, users tend to install their own programs that cause problems with the core programs. I have to then investigate and find out what that weirdly name program is to see if it needs to go. I am just saying this feature I am suggesting to be added... would make things in my personal and work much much less complicated.

Yes you explained it well and I wish I had taken the time to suggest it myself. I also try to make things more understandable for the average user. All users will benefit from suggestions like yours.

first of all... dennisd,

I try and install as little as possible on my computer(besides my mistake with the recent printer). I don't like programs that I don't know... that being said I don't mind trying something new once in awhile, that is how I found CCleaner.

If I'd only but known that earlier.