I'm Running Vista 32 bit. I just downloaded CCleaner. All the advertisements, reviews and blogs said it would uninstall program files. Here's my problem. I have a printer that I returned to vendor, but I uninstalled it before I took it back. I had a problem and ran System Restore. Now the program is on my desktop, in my program files with complete tree including drivers...yet it is not on my Add/Remove list nor does the printer show up in the Printer list. I was told CCleaned could get rid of it for me...but when I look under applications...it's still not there. How can I remove this program and drivers...completely. Can't undo system restore because the restore poin is GONE. I've been fightin g with this for a week. Can anyone PLEASE HELP?
I'm Running Vista 32 bit. I just downloaded CCleaner. All the advertisements, reviews and blogs said it would uninstall program files. Here's my problem. I have a printer that I returned to vendor, but I uninstalled it before I took it back. I had a problem and ran System Restore. Now the program is on my desktop, in my program files with complete tree including drivers...yet it is not on my Add/Remove list nor does the printer show up in the Printer list. I was told CCleaned could get rid of it for me...but when I look under applications...it's still not there. How can I remove this program and drivers...completely. Can't undo system restore because the restore poin is GONE. I've been fightin g with this for a week. Can anyone PLEASE HELP?
Take a look here.
This is a microsoft uninstall program that might do the trick for you. Good luck. bigjps
Hello not a geek,
OK! When you run CCleaner YOU are started at the Cleaner function or window.
Further down the window in the left side is another botton labeled TOOLS.
Click on TOOLS .You will see UNINSTALL.CCleaner shows a more detailed list than what is shown in
Windows ADD/REMOVE Programs.
This is what the blogs etc. are talking about.CCleaner provides this as a tool to help but can't guarantee removing eveything installed by the manufacturer.
THE best way to uninstall in your situation may be to get uninstall softwre from the manufacturer hopefully online..
This way you can remove all the programs,Icons,work files,etc. and reset the Registry properly.
IF you still have the install software or someone you know then you can re-install the software then UNINSTALL.Maybe "borrow" the install disc from the vendor.
Read this link before using CCleaner.
DON'T forget to DO a BACKUP ,RESTORE POINT, or whatever you use.
Good Luck,