Uninstall feature request

Can you add an option to Windows icon context menu to uninstall app?

- Right click on icon -> CCleaner uninstall

- Start CCleaner or a minor part

- Send the application path to CCleaner

- If the path match a line, CCleaner ask the user to uninstall the application



I don't think windows has the ability to do that, though I could be wrong.

In the windows register:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Uninstall with CCleaner\command]

@="ccleaner.exe /uninstall %1"

The only things to do is:

- add /uninstall arguments to CCleaner

- add key to windows register

- add a routine to search for the %1 argument and start uninstall


In the windows register:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Uninstall with CCleaner\command]

@="ccleaner.exe /uninstall %1"

The only things to do is:

- add /uninstall arguments to CCleaner

- add key to windows register

- add a routine to search for the %1 argument and start uninstall


You forgot to include all the other things that OUGHT TO BE DONE.

e.g. RevoUninstaller will do all the above and in addition follow up by tracking down residual junk the application developers dump on the system and forgot to include in the uninstall deletions.

I am more than happy to continue with RevoUninstaller.


I know it is 'possible' as I use "Your Uninstaller!" which has a Windows Context Menu.

It's very possible. All of the top of my head so feel free to correct,

Just add a new shell entry in HKCR under exefile to associate CCleaner with only EXE files.

Arguments, appPath and also " " + Chr(34) + "%1" + Chr(34)

Then it's just a case of handling it in in GetCommandLineArgs() onstart up.

Pointless? Very much so since CCleaner offers no ability other then to invoke the applications own Uninstaller.

It's very possible.

Pointless? Very much so since CCleaner offers no ability other then to invoke the applications own Uninstaller.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I believe that you think this is pointless because why not just open CCleaner to uninstall applications?

I may be wrong (correct me if I am) but I believe he was thinking more along the lines of being able to simply right click an installed application & remove it using a context menu option that CCleaner could be coded to add.

I can see the merits of such a system myself, because if you install or use thousands of programs, it would kinda be handy to be able to right click & uninstall applications.

Because sometimes an application name is hard to remember...

Because sometimes you have a ton of installed applications & cannot think of what to search for to remove...

Because right click/uninstall could save a lot of time...

I see his point in a way.

I think it makes sense when you think of it like this, so I am going to give the idea + 1 from me.

How will the innocent ever learn about the merits of PROPER uninstallers such as RevoUninstaller etc. etc.

If they think CCleaner is the tool to use, and CCleaner only uses the built-in Windows facilities,

they will have to live (and die) in ignorance.


I am going to go out on a limb here, but I believe that you think this is pointless because why not just open CCleaner to uninstall applications?

I may be wrong (correct me if I am) but I believe he was thinking more along the lines of being able to simply right click an installed application & remove it using a context menu option that CCleaner could be coded to add.

I can see the merits of such a system myself, because if you install or use thousands of programs, it would kinda be handy to be able to right click & uninstall applications.

Because sometimes an application name is hard to remember...

Because sometimes you have a ton of installed applications & cannot think of what to search for to remove...

Because right click/uninstall could save a lot of time...

I'm very much aware what the user wanted. As i stated above. Commandlineargs() to invoke ccleaner as a bg worker. Then invoke chosen applications uninstaller....

I really am not understanding "if you install or use thousands of programs" bit. Where are all these exe's laying around installed? Program files? Surely not next to there own uninstaller? How can an application name be hard to remember? If you are on focus to it by being able to right click surely you can remember it's name?

If i had a ton of applications installed and could not remember it's name...How am i going to navigate to it to right click uninstall?

I can't see how it could say any time. If i did not need an application any more it takes 2 seconds to start the uninstaller process....

All this of course is ignoring alans comment about correctly uninstalling an application.

I really am not understanding "if you install or use thousands of programs" bit. Where are all these exe's laying around installed? Program files? Surely not next to there own uninstaller? How can an application name be hard to remember? If you are on focus to it by being able to right click surely you can remember it's name?

If i had a ton of applications installed and could not remember it's name...How am i going to navigate to it to right click uninstall?

I can't see how it could say any time. If i did not need an application any more it takes 2 seconds to start the uninstaller process....

I will address each point.


I really am not understanding "if you install or use thousands of programs" bit. Where are all these exe's laying around installed? Program files? Surely not next to there own uninstaller? How can an application name be hard to remember? If you are on focus to it by being able to right click surely you can remember it's name?

Ok, I downloaded thousands of apps. Maybe around 500,000 or so. All different kinds from screensaver makers, to screenshot recorders, to popup note makers, etc. They are in EXE, MSI, JAR & other formats. Some are installable, others run direct, others make entries in app data folder when run. There is a ton of things to test including what windows versions they run in. I collected so many over the years because I wanted to have the best. So each category of software such as video editors, video players, video converters, the list goes on & on & on, I downloaded sometimes hundreds of programs for each category to test.

I mostly have what I want in freeware, so I usually delete any trials I find left on my drive. Anyway, they are on an external hard disk I have. Try remembering what an app is called when you just installed something like 5,000 applications in 1 weekend.


If i had a ton of applications installed and could not remember it's name...How am i going to navigate to it to right click uninstall?

This is exactly the point. If CCleaner had the right click/uninstall, I would not HAVE to search for the file. I could simply right click & remove it. Much faster if you have a lot of files on a system. For a computer like yours where you always only use things like Open Office, MS Office, CCleaner, Defraggler, Firefox, etc, etc, it is all too easy for a "lite" user like you.


I can't see how it could say any time. If i did not need an application any more it takes 2 seconds to start the uninstaller process....

I do. Some applications have MSI installers that get hung & refuse to remove. Deleting them does no good because they are regenerated in the Add/Remove list because of being an MSI file. I don't have time like you to just install a program, then test it, then remove it.

I have to install in bulk, then remove in bulk. This would save me a ton of time to just be able to right click remove it.

If I had to uninstall 5,000 applications, is it easier to open CCleaner (1 click), Navigate to the tools tab (2 clicks), right click a file to uninstall it (3 clicks) (5,000 programs to uninstall multiplied times 3 clicks each is 15,000 clicks. For more fun, this is also 15,000 clicks multiplied times 2 seconds each which is 30,000 seconds, or 500 hours).

Or is it easier to just right click a program & uninstall it (1 click)? 5,000 clicks multiplied times 2 seconds = 10,000 seconds, or 166.67 hours.

500 hours minus 166.67 hours = 333.33 hours I just saved. (That's 13.8 days, or nearly 2 weeks!)

You do the math, but I can easily see from this example that I saved 10,000 clicks using the right click method + 20,000 seconds (333.33 hours, or 2 weeks). I can see why a user like you won't benefit, because you can remember all your programs. You don't use more than 30 or so programs, do you?

I am not going to do this permanently, I just have to sort through all my stuff. My goal is to have the best in each category when I am done.


Of course, you might not think 2 weeks is a lot of time to save... Pffff, pffft!

Well, I gotta get back to work!

He's at it again. Oh boy.

why on earth would you install 5k applications in one weekend. I don't want to go off topic but i'm curious to what you do with them all.

Also uninstalling 5k apps with the built in uninstaller - Thats some left over crap

why on earth would you install 5k applications in one weekend. I don't want to go off topic but i'm curious to what you do with them all.

Also uninstalling 5k apps with the built in uninstaller - Thats some left over crap

That is a lot, I agree.


I simply test because I want the best.

I learned a lot over time & testing.


I do not intend to have 500,000 apps forever, but only till I test to see what I want to keep.

Hopefully, I can trim it down to 5,000 or fewer over time.

I test so many at a time because the faster I get done, the quicker I can have that deep down sense of accomplishment.


I do a lot with the apps, but it would take too much space to list all the things I know about it or do with them here.