Why does Uninstall in CCleaner show entries not shown in Control Panel Add/Remove?
The entries are valid but not in Control Panel like AiOsoftware where I believe this is HP All in One (AiO).
Why does CCleaner show these?
Why does Uninstall in CCleaner show entries not shown in Control Panel Add/Remove?
The entries are valid but not in Control Panel like AiOsoftware where I believe this is HP All in One (AiO).
Why does CCleaner show these?
Why does Uninstall in CCleaner show entries not shown in Control Panel Add/Remove?
The entries are valid but not in Control Panel like AiOsoftware where I believe this is HP All in One (AiO).
Why does CCleaner show these?
I don't know but if there is a program on my computer that I don't know about through Add/Remove programs, then I hope CCleaner continues to do so. Otherwise, how do you know they are there and get rid of them?
There's hidden components that CCleaner shows however the Windows Add or Remove Programs hides them for obvious reasons:
That being many things listed can and will be sub-components of a main application. One example is Kodak's EasyShare digital camera software that installs a bunch of sub-components with names that really mean nothing so someone may be suspicious of them, however removing them would essentially break the installation or some feature which would result into a reinstall.