Uninstall does not Remove AutoRun Entry

I installed CCleaner using the 'Slim' installer on Windows 7 x64.

I have also set CCleaner to 'Run CCleaner when the computer starts'

However, after uninstalling CCleaner, the registry entry for the

above Auto start still remains in the registry (see entry below).

HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","ccleaner",0x0,"""C:\Program Files (x86)\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe"" /AUTO"

While this won't necessarily cause any major problems, it really

is not good programming etiquette to leave this behind.

Maybe it is still needed somehow.

Maybe it is still needed somehow.

I'm not certain I follow. Why would you want to launch a program on system start

that no longer exists? All this will do is generate errors and accomplish nothing.

If Windows can't find the file that that key is refering to then it won't cause an error. Windows simply moves on to the next task.