Unhandled Exception Error 0x80040707 on Cyberlink PowerDVD

I just downloaded the Cyberlink PowerDVD software from the HP website On my Windows 8 PC. After few days that it was installed on my system, I received a notification that I need to update my software. I run the update but it failed and crashed. And now, when I try to open the program, it didn’t work. I downloaded the latest Service Pack but it gives an error:

Unhandled Exception

Error Number: 0x80040707

Description: DLL function call crashed: CLScan.GetHybridVGAMode

Setup will now terminate.


Can someone please help me restore it? Thanks.

I thought you had fixed it?


Hello Arsenalphan - I had a similar problem with Cyberlink Power Director on my HP DV7 laptop. When you tried to update Power DVD, did you do it using HP's Support Assistant? This was what caused me problems, either the installer would crash before finishing, or it would finish but the application would not start. I found the solution on HP's support website, and that is to run the installer directly without using HP Support Assistant.

Follow the path C:>SWSetup. This folder contains the setup and installation software for all HP products installed on your machine. Look for the folder "sp58764", this is for Power DVD. Then find the setup application, it is near the bottom of the list. When you run it, it should uninstall then reinstall Power DVD.

Derek arsenalphan said in the link from my post that he had solved it.

Have you solved it already arsenalphan ?

(ps. Derek, first thing I uninstall on an HP machine is the support assistant!!)

Derek, first thing I uninstall on an HP machine is the support assistant!

I know that now. I learned that lesson the same way I've learned many other lessons in life: the hard way. :(

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