Unexpected Error

I receive an unexpected error while analyzing my system

Here is the error description CCleaner has given me:

The thread tried to access a page that was not present, and the system was unable to load the page. For example, this exception might occur if a network connection is lost while running a program over the networkCCleaner	v2.06.567MS Windows XP SP2Intel Pentium D CPU 3.00GHz1.0GB RAMNVIDIA GeForce 7300 LEIT=1000ID=-1PR=DA=RK=RU=25CK=0SK=Mozilla - Internet CacheVK=VA=N_MOZ_CACHECR=49PF=0EI=0FL=7IIT=0FI=-1SI=0

Any help will be appreciated. :)

EDIT: Seems to have been fixed by a simple reboot. Having no problems at all.

Seems like something to do with Mozilla.

Did you by chance have Mozilla Firefox running during the Analysis? Typically there's a warning dialog about Firefox running because it can't be cleaned when it's running.

Nope, Firefox was closed.

Nope, Firefox was closed.


I have the error on recent past

Try restore your system to a point before the problem happens and so reustall cc

I think this is the oly solution we have

Hope this helps

Nope, Firefox was closed.


Just because Firefox is closed, does NOT mean Firefox is closed !!!

Sometimes I close Firefox, and later on I might open it again - normally successfully.

When unsuccessful I get a message it cannot be opened because it is running.

I launch Windows Task Manager and the Applications TAB shows no evidence of Firefox, it is closed,

Then I look at Processes and there it is;

I select the Firefox process and click "End Process", then it goes away.

Now it REALLY is closed, and now I have no problem re-launching Firefox.

I strongly suspect that even if the Firefox Application Window is closed, and this application is no longer running, if the Firefox Process has not terminated that might prevent CCleaner from trying to purge the cache.

AND ALSO if a programme (e.g. Firefox) has required Windows to give it exclusive access to a file, nothing else can access that file until that programme has notified Windows to release its control, and if that programme suffers an abnormal termination that file is NOT released and will NEVER be released, even if Task Manager shows no trace of the application nor its process. Nothing can access that file UNTIL you reboot.

I have lost count of the number of times I used WORD to edit a document, and something went wrong, and after WORD closed (either an out-right automatic crash collapse, or possibly multiple clicks on a "Close" button), I have not been able to do anything with that document until I reboot the computer.


I receive an unexpected error while analyzing my system

Here is the error description CCleaner has given me:

The thread tried to access a page that was not present, and the system was unable to load the page. For example, this exception might occur if a network connection is lost while running a program over the network

CCleaner v2.06.567
MS Windows XP SP2
Intel Pentium D CPU 3.00GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE

SK=Mozilla - Internet Cache

Any help will be appreciated. :)

EDIT: Seems to have been fixed by a simple reboot. Having no problems at all.

The only way I've found to stop this problem is to uncheck "Recycle bin" and "Temporary Files" under "System".

Then everything else seems to run fine.

Rebooting did not fix the original problem.