Unexpected Error Crash ver 1.45.858

Receiving "Unexpected Error" crashes using Recuva Version 1.45.858.

Windows XP, SP3, AMD chipset (somewhat old - this was an early Windows XP box).

768 MB RAM.

Recuva is installed on a second drive, Drive "F" (earlier versions of Recuva worked fine from here)

AVG 2013 AV installed.

All Windows updates available as of 16-Feb-2013 installed and active.


When the latest version of Recuva was offered at FileHippo.Com I downloaded and installed it. After the installer ran it offered to launch Recuva without a restart, which I did. After a few seconds the resident crash report screen came up to say that Recuva had experienced an unexpected quit and asked for additional information on the crash. I sent that crash report as offered.

I then restarted the system thinking there was a problem with the install and it still manifest the crash on launch after the system restart.

Thinking there may be a problem with the installer I went to the Piriform web site and downloaded a fresh copy there.

I uninstalled the 'bad' version using Windows Add/Delete programs tool and restarted. Then I ran the installer for the fresh download. The same thing happened with an unexpected quit/crash.

I then uninstalled ver 1.45.858 and went back to version 1.43. Version 1.43 is working OK for me.

So there seems to be a change between version 1.43 and 1.45 that my system cannot deal with. System info is above.

DMK / Sunclad

try to unzip the portable version in the place of your current recuva

if that doesn't work run debug mode and post the log to this thread


try to unzip the portable version in the place of your current recuva

if that doesn't work run debug mode and post the log to this thread


I downloaded the standard installer and ran it in debug mode as outlined.

The sum total of the debug log is as follows:

File name: Recuva_log[1_45_858][16-2-2013_22-38]


[2013-02-16 22:38:28] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.45.858

[2013-02-16 22:38:31] [iNFO ] System Info: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3, AMD Athlon Processor, 767MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X


I find it odd that nothing else was in this log. It ends after reporting the video card.

This was followed by the built in crash report offering me to send a crash report to Piriform.

I'll try a portable version but should I run Ccleaner to get oddities out of the registry after an uninstall?



Additional data... I have this installed on drive F which is a second drive on this system.

The debug address to execute was: F:\Programs\Recuva\Recuva.exe /debug

I have been running earlier versions of Recuva on this second drive without issue until this new version. Version 1.43 runs quite well there.




I had version 1.42 portable installed on a USB stick drive. I tested that and it ran OK off the stick drive.

I then downloaded the portable version of version 1.45.858 and installed that on the USB drive and tried running it from there. It also crashed. I then ran it in debug mode to get a log and the log was identical to the one above. After the system polling it stops everything and the error log is truncated.

Again, version 1.42 portable on my USB stick drive runs fine and version 1.43, which I re-installed on my desktop, also works fine.

It seems a tad odd that it will not run from the USB stick drive and give the same error, and a truncated log.

Mighty odd.

By any chance does the current version need access to the SSE instruction set? This processor chip is old enough that it doesn't support it. Nothing in the system requirements suggests this, so...



The developers read all threads so have heart your question was heard, they may already be able to tell what's going on, but if they can't there should also be a dump file in the folder along with the log you found, hold on to that and for now use 1.44 (if 1.44 doesn't work and you also find that it doesn't work it may help them work out the issue :) )

you can get older versions from http://www.filehippo.com/download_recuva the right hand sidebar

Downloaded 1.44.778 from FileHippo and installed it.

Note I usually run the installer and allow it to over-write the existing version. Nothing in the installer or notes suggests I need to uninstall earlier versions first.

Same results as with 1.45. Also the same truncated log file. Log pasted below:


[2013-02-17 19:07:12] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.44.778

[2013-02-17 19:07:13] [iNFO ] System Info: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3, AMD Athlon Processor, 767MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X


Do they want the dump file? Its about 616 kb as reported in Windows Explorer.

I'll save the DMP file but will be re-installing version 1.43 again as that works.



yes please hold on to that dmp just in case. Thanks for testing 1.44 we may ask of this thread to try 1.46 when it arrives, so keep following.

Will do.

Any thoughts to share as yet?

For a while I thought my AV was killing it but there was nothing in the logs.

I have an HP WinXP, SP3 with an Intel processor and a Win7 laptop (64 bit) if that needs a run.



I think you may misunderstand. I am not employed by/with piriform. I, like you, am just a user. All moderator means is I stop fights and spammers more effectively than a regular member of the forum.

the developers rarely comment. If they do it'll be to ask for the dump or have you try something. Perhaps another user here has a mind of what might be happening, but I, sadly, do not.

No problem. The level of interaction between developers and moderators varies with the company involved.

I used to test for Compuserve (way back when...) when their client program was in development (before AOL bought them and killed them).

We would meet 1-2 times a year in choice cities to discuss development, user ideas, etc, and then network between ourselves between meetings.

I've since retired.

It seems in this case the problem was introduced between 1.43 and 1.44 and perpetuated forward to 1.45.