Hi, recently i used Recuva.
Work's great but, Recuva find some file whitout a name, and i'm not able to recovery the file.
Error, "acces is denied".
Because windows doesn't alow file whitout a name,
Add the option like Rename the file before recovery that file.
name of that file?
Recuva fine about 10 file without name
Documents.zip size about 70 Mb
windows 7 small.tib size about 5GB
others i don't know... why?
The solution are add a right clik option rename/add File name before recover. maybe is usefull for all file's but NECESSARY unamed files
Although I am not 100% for sure, it could be that you are referring to password protected user accounts.
I will test Recuva later to see if it can recover from those.
I do know that Windows will deny access to files in password protected accounts, so it is possible that Recuva may as well.
It is not impossible to get around, because I know some programs that can definitely get around that.
I will test later to see what is going on.
Thanks for the headsup!
Some information for u.
I use it an a Windows 7 Ultimate in English x64 bit processor.
Intel i7
2 hard disk 640GB each other.
I don't have any kind of password or any king of protection.