Unable to play MPEG's, need license?

I have Windows Media Player 10 and when i try to play certain MPEG clips i'm being told that my license has expired. I have only recently moved over to XP and have not seen it before.

Is there a way i can convert the clips so they will play?


What licence has expired?

Also if you having any problems playing a file I suggest you download and installs K-Lite Codec Pack Full it install a load of codes which decode more or less every media format out there so you can play them. I use it and it works a treat.

What licence has expired?

Also if you having any problems playing a file I suggest you download and installs K-Lite Codec Pack Full it install a load of codes which decode more or less every media format out there so you can play them. I use it and it works a treat.

Still unable to view them with that software

Are you saying the licence for the video has expired? If so there is nothing as far as I know you can do.