Unable to download ANY file in IE8 after cleaning

Hi all,

I have a very strange issue with CCLEANER. I have been using it for years now on multiple PCs, and I have just installed it on my laptop and come across this issue. (Top program by the way, thx!)

When I auto clean IE8 (windows 7 x64), CCleaner happily removes all the usual guff. Good so far. Fire IE8 back up and you can surf around with no issues at all. The trouble starts when you try and download ANY file (exe, rar zip doc pdf) either by clicking on a link or by right clicking and saving as.

IE 8 sits there for ages with the getting file info window then times out with the following error message;

"Internet Explorer cannot download ##File## from ##Site.com##. Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site"

I can't download anything.

I can fix it if I go into IE8's advanced settings and restore all default settings, but the same happens again as soon as you clean. This is a royal pain as each time it restarts you have to choose accelerators and providers / homepage etc.

Anyone seen this before, or have any ideas?

Yes, this occurs (rarely) with any cache deleting program (I use ie privacy keeper and the same thing occurs) (you'll also notice that you can't see flash content as well)

the actual quick fix for this is MUCH simpler. Go to tools>Delete Browsing History uncheck everything (including preserve favorites website data) except temporary internet files. run it and this will immediatly fix the issue

Thanks for replying Nergal.

Do you mean run CCleaner, then go into IE8's settings and just delete temporary internet files? I'm assuming this resets the folder structure and indexes?

Thanks for replying Nergal.

Do you mean run CCleaner, then go into IE8's settings and just delete temporary internet files? I'm assuming this resets the folder structure and indexes?

yes and yes

and it won't happen everytime you clean so really you just need to do it when you suddenly can't download (it fixes immediatly and you won't even have to restart ie8)

Hi Nergal. Thank you so much for that get round. I have been tearing my hair out. Your fix worked immedeatly. I only registered to say thanks

I only registered to say thanks

That's a nice thing to do! :P