u3 version

First, let me thank you for one of the most useful utilities in my "bag of tricks". As a consultant, I have several customers that require me to use a u3 enabled thumbdrive. Would it be possible to create a version of CCleaner that will install on a u3 enabled drive?


Won't the Portable version work on a U3 Drive? U3 is C**p why bother with it instead of the much superior ways of portability?

First, let me thank you for one of the most useful utilities in my "bag of tricks". As a consultant, I have several customers that require me to use a u3 enabled thumbdrive. Would it be possible to create a version of CCleaner that will install on a u3 enabled drive?


Hello Walt,

Welcome to the forums. :D We love our members. :wub: New,Old,"Newbie", "Advanced", "Experts" and "Professionals"


Member KevinA may even have a newer version available. Just check out this thread. Loads of experienced members in this thread.

CCleaner Portable U3 version


See you around the forums,

:) davey

I thought that CCleaner is already sort of portable because it can save its settings to .ini file, I would just install it to your U? drive or any USB drive and save setting to .ini

It works fine here and have no issues with upgrading it either in fact its my wife that takes it with her to work...

I do have the install package in a small thumbdrive. It is so small and easy to install and uninstall that I never think that a portable is needed.

I just to be aware and not install the Google toolbar ( I do not criticize this alternative as they have to make money somehow).

Uninstall is a bliss and sometimes users ask to leave the application in their computers for their own use. It is so easy(!)

Portable is not needed for me and in permanet use for more than 200 desktops and Laptops all together

