U.S. college shooting rampage

I've said this before, and I make no apologies for saying it again, the world is going completely mad.

News Item.

Unfortunately, this is not unique to the US of A, it just seems to happen there more often simply because of its size. I don't think there's a country that hasn't been scarred by this phenomenon.

Why can't these people just simply blow their own brains out without taking innocent people with them.

There's a scary trend nowadays of closing down mental hospitals, and letting the ex inmates live in the community, under the supervision of "experts".

We live in an age where you can't remonstrate with a bad driver in case he attacks you or worse, you can't even look people in the eye in a pub or in the street because they may take that as a challenge and assault you or worse.

Sorry to start such a depressing topic, but I often wonder what the world holds for our descendants. ;)

Yeah its becoming a terrible thing that is growing. In February my shift at work became the first one in the city to get what is known as "active shooter" training. Basically, we trained for a situation where someone is actively killing people and we have to go in, not to contain, or detain, but to stop the threat, which is a legal way of saying to kill the shooter. It was actually pretty intense as we use real guns with paint bullets and move as a team throughout a school with other members of the police service playing the roll of active shooter.

You never know what you will encounter when you go to a call these days.

Lets all hope that you're never called on to use that training.

And this might sound a bit clich?d, but man, look after yourself and stay safe. You and everyone else who pulls on the uniform. ;)

You know, my biggest worry is being spit or bled on. A lot of people with HIV and HEP C out there.

Although someone can't help bleeding on you, I understand exactly what you are saying. But when it comes to being spat on, that's one of the most disgusting, degrading things that can be done to a person.

And with the added serious health risk, that act should carry a heavy punishment in itself, but I've no doubt that you have the same do-gooders over there as we have here, and probably everywhere.

The senile judges who have led sheltered, priviledged lives, the social workers who don't want to punish people, but rescue them. The list goes on unfortunately.

Do you know something, a few years ago there was a survey carried out in London by a TV news journalist.

He discovered that there were 45 "ex offender" support and advice centres, and only 2 "victims of crime" support and advice centres. That just about sums up our crime and punishment system.

Scotty, beam me up. If only.

It is our kids, and then their kids and so on and so forth that I feel really sorry for, because the world is going to become a lot worser than it is better as time goes on.

My kids have not lived the life that I lived as a kid, the world has become too much of a scary place for that.

I am quite happy to kit them out with all the latest technology just so that they stay at home using it, at least I know where they are and that they are safe then.

I agree Capman (and nice to see you btw!). Plus, then we get to play with their toys! ;)

i am living in USA so really, that was scarry and crazy cause i am still in school. Any way, my friends and rumors said that cause he broke up with his girl friend.

He discovered that there were 45 "ex offender" support and advice centres, and only 2 "victims of crime" support and advice centres.

Seems to be the norm - I was attacked and very badly injured some years ago, but yet at the time I was expected to travel across the country to 1 of 2 victim support centres, whilst the b*stards who did that where shipped (at tax payers expense!) from solicitor to their home to solicitor within about a five mile radius !

It's no wonder the saying 'Crime Pays' originated !

Seems to be the norm - I was attacked and very badly injured some years ago,

Sorry to hear that.
